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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have noted that XSH and ZCS have outperformed VSB every year since their respective inception years. Do you expect this outperformance to continue? In what scenario would VSB outperform XSH or ZCS? Even during recent market downturns (2015, 2018), VSB has underperformed. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Walter on January 03, 2020
Q: Hi 5i Team,

I have heard that the short sellers of Tesla stock have held the price from going up. Since the recent rise to +420, this is maybe a bit late to ask. However, I have always believed there are buyers and sellers, and that folks who short are simply believing the stock will go down. But, can a significant number of short sellers influence the market and actually help the stock go down ? Thank you for your superior service. Perplexed and curious 5i fan.
Read Answer Asked by Jim on January 03, 2020
Q: On their web site, Brompton says this ETF is up 30% on the year. The Globe has it up 13%. Which is correct and what do you think of this ETF? Would you prefer another for European stocks?
Read Answer Asked by John on January 03, 2020
Q: Happy holidays 5i team
What has a higher rate total rate of return over time...small cap, mid cap, large cap? I would imagine the geography makes a difference so maybe you could base it off the US exchanges please (We are rather sector concentrated here). Is risk in small caps vs the stability and dividends in large caps or mid caps create that sweet spot? Which is most worthy of investment? Are there statistics to back it up? I have heard you respond that mid caps tend to be your favourites. I understand they offer that nice balance and they are influenced by financial managers through purchases as they grow/ if they grow, but is there proof that they are better through time as a group? Any equal weight ETF's that cover a specific range in capitalization across sectors? Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Jeremy on January 03, 2020
Q: I was thinking of buying into A&W consistently over the next 3 to 5 years. What do you think about having good old A&W as a very long term holding?
They keep raising the dividend and adding new stores to the Royalty Pool every year. I also personally love their food. I do not want to trade a lot. Looking more so to buy and hold.
It is 2020 now and I can see A&W lasting for at least another 15-years with positive SSSG. Was hoping on owning this company until 2060.
Would love to hear your thoughts.
Read Answer Asked by David Michael on January 03, 2020
Q: BNN had a list of the top 10 stocks of the past decade. This include Constellation Software, Kirkland Lake Gold, Alimentation Couche-Tard, Interrent, Enghouse, Boyd Group, Dollarama, Cargojet, Air Canada and Auora Cannabis. Of this list of 10 names, please rank them(best to worst) from your view of their chances to make the list for the next decade. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on January 03, 2020
Q: Happy New Year Peter and 5i team,
I was thinking of adding Google to my Canadian funds TFSA. It was a recent top pick by two well known analysts on market call. They said that the company is attractively valued, has good growth potential, and good cloud business potential with growing revenues. Do you agree?
What are the consequences of holding a US stock in a can funds TFSA? Is it better to hold in an open account?
Thank you for your opinion
Read Answer Asked by john on January 03, 2020