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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I was wondering if you might be able to recommend a gold etf?
Read Answer Asked by Colleen on January 08, 2020
Q: Could you please provide your comments/recommendations on the above three companies. should I buy more, hold or sell?

Also, is NIO heading for bankruptcy? what is the the probability that it would be around in five years?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by satish on January 08, 2020
Q: Can you hold OTC stocks in RRIF or TFSA? If not what happens if a security goes OTC? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by David on January 08, 2020
Q: Good morning and Happy New Year to all at 5i,

Portfolio Analytics tells me to increase my US and international exposure. Please suggest some ETFs that would accomplish this goal, and at the same time provide a dividend (even a small one) and have growth prospects. This would be for this year's TFSA investments. Thanks in advance for your valued advice.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on January 08, 2020
Q: Hi team,
I have purchased ARX five weeks ago and am up 23%.Comments from fund managers have been very positive ,with the dividend safe and the debt load not overly large.I am looking for a small cap oil company that also pays a dividend in the 4to5% range, and has solid growth prospects.Could you recommend two or three names and should I sell half my position on ARX?
Thanks,and all the best in 2020.
Read Answer Asked by Jean on January 08, 2020
Q: In trying to decide which ETF’s to buy, I am concerned with the credit duration of some.
Ex: XTR 3.78 yrs. ZMI 3.77 yrs. VCNS 7.82 yrs
What is the significance of these in view of the current business cycle mainly interest rates.
Also, at this time would you favour an ETF more or less exposed to bonds currently. Is a fund manager able to quickly sell his bond holdings quickly when interest rates rise, what is their strategy ?
Thank you so much.
Read Answer Asked by Luc on January 08, 2020
Q: Class F Capital Shares (the "Federation Capital Shares") . These are offered by caisse desjardins. We have some older "permanent" shares which Desjardins wants us to exchange for capital shares. I didnt buy these and i am not even sure what they are. They almost seem to be a kind of preferred share. Just wondering with your wide expertise whether you know exactly what these are. And more importantly, whether they are worth holding. I am thinking no.
Thankyou for any help and all the best in the new year
Read Answer Asked by joseph on January 08, 2020