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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: With a minority government likely to paralyse the political agenda, American investors are unlikely to return to the oil patch any time soon. Do you agree ? And which energy companies do you see as most likely to suffer from this?
Jacques, Montréal
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on October 25, 2019
Q: I know you previously answered a question regarding the upcoming IPO for GFL Environmental but at the time there was limited information to base an opinion. I was hoping with the IPO being slated for the next few weeks, you could have another look at the information available and offer an opinion. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Duayne on October 25, 2019
Q: Hi regards to Stanley’s question about tax loss selling you don’t want him to rebuy within 30 days - he should rebuy after 30 days to claim the loss. He could possibly time his selling/buying to keep the dividend which I believe is paid quarterly. Last year the market bottomed on December 24th so to take advantage of a possible rebound he should consider selling by the middle of November. On the other hand it may make more sense to sell just after they report in October. It is just intuition on my part but I would wait until after they report. It seems insiders have been buying and they may know something we don’t. We NFI shareholders are overdue for a good quarter!
Read Answer Asked by James on October 25, 2019
Q: What are your favourite energy names that have decent/reasonably safe dividend yields, strong balance sheets and are cash flow positive at current market prices? Not looking for the names most levered to oil/gas price rebound.....I don't mind being patient on long-term holds that are very cheap today and will be around in 5-10 years.

Read Answer Asked by Angus on October 25, 2019
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan and Team,

I hold BNS, BEP.UN, FTS, KXS, PBH and TRP in my child's RESP account and it has been performing quite well. With another 8 years to go, should I just add to the existing positions or add something else?

Read Answer Asked by Marvin on October 25, 2019
Q: I have been watching KML. My portfolio is a bit mixed up these days, and could probably use a little more diversification within my dividend plays (weighted heavily in Banks at the moment). At 4.5% yield, this looks like a decent play, and it feels like there is upside potential with the share price, with limited downside (assuming the Pembina deal stays on track, as the company has said). I like the stability of their income, and it looks as though they have "taken their lumps". How do you guys feel about KML these days?

Thank you in advance

Read Answer Asked by Don on October 25, 2019
Q: What do you think about the pricing of the GFL IPO?

Would you take a position in this IPO or invest in others such as Waste Connections or Waste Management?
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on October 25, 2019
Q: Hello 5i Research team,
My question relates to your answer to a recent question from “dave” about “must own”. Could you conceptually define what a “must own” company? They are probably the foundation of a stock portfolio; each of these companies should be kept to a full position throughout the economic cycle. That’s where it gets interesting, because your list included GSY and GIL.
As a long term owner of GSY (thank you 5i), I would tend (if capable) to overweight (let it run) during the most favorable portion of the economic cycle, but to underweighted it when the credit cycle deteriorate. Would you agree?
About GIL, but not specifically about GIL: when a situation such as what happened to GIL recently would happened about one of these selected companies, would you almost automatically buy the dip to increase back the position to a full position, and think about medium and long term? Would you agree?
Thank you for your collaboration, Eric
Read Answer Asked by Eric on October 25, 2019
Q: Back in June 2011 we purchased Scotia Dividend Fund 6372205 no load @ 41.95 today it's at $68.80 for RESP for Granddaughter.Initial inv. 2,763.29 and today worth 4531.41.We will be visiting them next week.Usually receive div. in December.She has 2 years to go before graduating.Should we sell and buy bond fund XLB to make sure we don't lose any value that has built up.Tks
Read Answer Asked by Guy on October 25, 2019