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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: NFI had fair bit of news over the holidays. The market seemed reasonably happy with it all. Could you give some colour to all the new bus contracts? Also, somebody on BNN was expressing concern about the competition opening up in the EV category and NFI's ability to compete. Do you have anything to add to that? I noticed one of the contracts included EV's from NFI.

Read Answer Asked by Gerald on January 08, 2020
Q: I want to buy one more gold stock to add to Kirkland lake and Wesdome . Of the four mentioned which would you suggest as a better choice Could you please rank them from best to worst. And give an opinion on why one would be better then another. If you have a another option please advise. I greatly appreciate your knowledge and opinion.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by John on January 08, 2020
Q: Hi,
I would like to know what is considered a very low debt level for company’s in the following activities/category and what would be the best ratio to look at for each category.
1: Financials
3: Telecommunication
4: Renewable energies
5: Utilities
6: Technologies
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by André on January 08, 2020
Q: Assuming oil (WTI) at $65 - 70 which of the following stock PRICES would possibly gain most. Please order them best gainers first. please insert your choices as well. ARX, BNE, CJ, CNQ, TOU, VET, KEL, FRU ,WCP ,SGY
Would the order change if you consider financial health ?? I f so how ?thanks and a happy healthy new year to the 5i community
Read Answer Asked by JOSEPH on January 08, 2020
Q: Which US and Canadian healthcare names would you be comfortable initiating a position in today?
Read Answer Asked by Patrick on January 08, 2020
Q: I am looking for a quote for a UK listed company. Flutter for example.
I see the last quote as 9,456 GBp, does this mean 94.56 British Pounds?
so their quotes would be in whole pennies? please help me there.
Read Answer Asked by francois on January 08, 2020
Q: I own a small amount of FSL for revenue. I think they invest mostly in the US. They merged recently with FSD, unknown to me. The stock didn’t do much in the last few years and is illiquid. There are some other ETF and funds dealing with « senior loans ». Could you explain what they are and if they are worthed for income/diversification purposes. I also own PSB (laddered) and XSB (short-term) on the canadian side. If appropriate, would you suggest something for income in the US to replace FSL, if possible a canadian-listed ETF or fund. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Denise on January 08, 2020