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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: 5 stock portfolio for 5 years Kinaxis Open Text Brookfield Asset Management TD Manulife. Your opinion
Read Answer Asked by j stuart on January 13, 2020
Q: I think this is worth a 'share' with other members.
Read Answer Asked by Ronald on January 13, 2020
Q: Further to Dennis’ question about historical total returns, I’ve found this spreadsheet useful:

Read Answer Asked by Alan on January 13, 2020
Q: I have recently decided to invest in us securities and am concerned about us withholding tax and how it is applied to canadian investors as I saw a comment re the treatment in tfsa accounts .What tax implications apply to me as a Canadian investor when buying us stocks?
cheers, Doug
Read Answer Asked by Doug on January 13, 2020
Q: Hello again, 5i team. Thinking about initiating a small postion (1.5% of overall portfolio) in this stock, likely for my TFSA. Stock is up 378% in the last 30 days (!), but I'm having trouble determing whether or not the jump is based on anything substantive. I would greatly appreciate your views on the company itself and the stock in the next 6 - 12 months. Thanks for all the great insights. - Asher
Read Answer Asked by Asher on January 13, 2020
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan, and Team,

I manage my son's TFSA, and it's quite well diversified, except for zero exposure in energy. For this year's contribution, I'm considering one of ENB, IPL, TRP, or PKI. I realize that PKI is in a different sub-sector, but am leaning towards it, and would appreciate your insight. We favour dividend payers, even if it's a small dividend. Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on January 13, 2020
Q: Can you share with us what your top 10 companies would be for 2020?
Also where can I find your list of top 10 companies to hold for 10 years?
We really value your opinions, Thank You.
Read Answer Asked by Shirley on January 13, 2020
Q: Hi,
I would value your opinion on this company. Its growth trajectory would appear to be difficult to maintain, yet next year's projected revenues would imply it may be able to continue to grow fairly rapidly. I look forward to any comments you may wish to offer - and yes, I would assume it is risky.

Read Answer Asked by Dawn on January 13, 2020
Q: Hi 5i Group,
What do you feel the maximum percentage of one's portfolio should be in any one stock and the max in any one sector?
Read Answer Asked by kenneth on January 13, 2020
Q: for Derek on transferring money to the US. We use VBCE here in Vancouver and they have a great little app that allows you to transfer from our Cdn Account at CIBC to our Wells Fargo account in the US with no fees and a significantly better exchange rate. We have kids in school in the US so transfers occur quite frequently and they give a better rate depending on your forecasted amount for the year.
Read Answer Asked by kelly on January 12, 2020
Q: Please suggest a fairly conservative 5 stock portfolio for the next 5 years
Read Answer Asked by j stuart on January 12, 2020