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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i: I hold ENB.PR.Y; ENB.PR.H and FFH.PR.K in my RRSP all of which are down over 50 per cent but have provided some income. In total they represent about 2.5 percent of my portfolio.Given the fixed nature of this payout and my little interest in preferred shares, I am wondering whether it would make sense to sell these and top up some of my other blue chip dividend holdings which are down (e.g. BIP, Telus, Royal Bank, BNS, TD, FTS) and hold a better upside over the next couple of years? Appreciate your advice as always …now more than ever.
Read Answer Asked by Martha on March 19, 2020
Q: Which best bang for the buck should a retiree look at when looking for some US exposure through ETFS, for the future recovery, I have no US exposure as of now and would like to take advantage of the downturn, I get by on the pensions I have.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by James on March 19, 2020
Q: So having been through the Great Recession and now the cornea virus, I finally get it. Review your portfolio ,sell those companies whose fundamentals are damaged and possibly beyond repair ( swallow the loss),deploy your cash after things have settled down and there is more clarity into stocks who have the potential to rebound much better than the stocks you have sold. Is that about it?
Read Answer Asked by Derek on March 19, 2020
Q: Thanks for your calming influence these days. Also appreciate your expression of empathy in your market update: we all recognize that what is unfolding brings a lot of emotional strain.
I own some ZWB because for the last few years didn't really see any catalyst to make banks move rapidly. Its Beta is 0.94. I am wondering if ZEB would be a better holding during the recovery with its Beta of 1.02. Does the "covered call" aspect of ZWB carry a downside for such market conditions?
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Marilou on March 19, 2020
Q: If I were to average down on these stocks which would you buy first and are there any in which you would not buy at this time. Could ECN go under if things don't improve over the next 6 months. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Cheryl on March 19, 2020
Q: hi,
can I get your best ideas for a long term investor ( who enjoys dividends with some growth ) for the following: (Canadian equities if possible please ) home improvement, Pharma, health services, REITS, drugstores, railways, and any other areas that you think should do well moving forward with covid19 looming over us for the next while...
cheers and stay healthy everyone. make sure to get outside and get lots of exercise! chris
Read Answer Asked by chris on March 19, 2020
Q: just wondering your thoughts on the pipelines right now. are the dividends safe at such high yields. would you be a buyer? also i have held EIF for a long time. is divy safe and would you purchase more?
Read Answer Asked by jason on March 19, 2020
Q: What is the outlook for above noted companies in terms of :
1. Balance sheet. Which companies can survive this down turn in the oil patch? ie not go bankrupt. Please add comments and list companies in order.
2. Which companies are hedged and how long do their hedges go and at what prices are they hedged at?
3. Would you currently take a position on any of these companies?
4. Any other helpful comments are appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Frank on March 19, 2020