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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: What is your opinion about this stock? I've been told it's a well managed company, but the stock price seems to be heading downward lately in a continuing bull market. Has this got anything to do with a recent acquisition which was not liked by an analyst? Or, a change on growth prospects? Someone dumping their position?Thanks for your opinion.
Read Answer Asked by Alfred on January 20, 2020
Q: I have owned Boyd for the past year in a non registered account and have realized capital gains due to the conversion this month. I also own GIL in the same account. Just wondering for tax loss selling if I should sell GIL now to offset the Boyd gain a bit. I intend to buy back GIL after the 30 days. Do you think I should wait a bit or is now a good time to do this?
Read Answer Asked by Everett on January 20, 2020
Q: Hello! I often see BAM.A mentioned as being the more growth-oriented stock versus BEP.UN being the more income-oriented stock. Historically, this has been the case. However, last year, BEP.UN showed more growth than BAM.A. With the growing interest in renewable energy (both from a media coverage perspective and also, I think, from actual industry development/momentum), do you feel BEP.UN's outperformance against BAM.A last year is a trend to continue into the future?
Read Answer Asked by Laxmyharan on January 17, 2020