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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i Team

The following companies have take over proposals in place:

ACI - offer of $33.50 closing price March 19 of $31.93
NVU.un - offer of $36.25 closing price March 19 of $27.08

Questions are:
1 - what are the likelihood of these transaction to close?
2 - are there other potential opportunities in the market that may be attractive?
3 - the Northview transaction looks attractive, given the distribution was never cut in the 2015/2016 oil downturn (although the share price went down to $16).

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on March 20, 2020
Q: Hi Peter and Staff

If we end up in a longer (say 1-2 year recession) can you provide any comments as to which of the following could suffer more from vacancies or unpaid rent based on their tenants ?


Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on March 20, 2020
Q: Hi Peter and Staff

If we end up in a longer (say 1-2 year recession) can you provide any comments as to which of the following could suffer most or least from vacancies or unpaid rent based on their tenants ?


I guess I am also asking which one (s) appear to have been beaten up too much in relation to the others and why

Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on March 20, 2020
Q: I know very little about bonds and most ad advisers suggest some bonds for a 73 year old like me. Is this a good time to add bonds to a RRIF? If so, what bonds or bond funds do you recommend?
Thank you for your service.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on March 20, 2020
Q: MIC is down about 50% which seem a bit excessive... I've held them for a long time and loved the Brookfield bump, the recent special divs. Would appreciate your thoughts before I double down. It would probably be safer to just buy one of the big banks but they haven't dropped 50%...I saw in the question archives that you ranked it "ok" as a high risk high yield option. 2 days ago.
Read Answer Asked by Tom on March 20, 2020
Q: I currently don't have either of these companies in my portfolio and need to add to my industrial sector. Both are related to the aviation industry. Which of these do you see as being a better long term hold and why? Do you have any concerns around the sustainability of either? Any debt concerns. I do like the much higher income potential with EIF, but don't wish to be short sighted either. Your feedback is appreciated. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Cory on March 20, 2020
Q: So during the Trump impeachment hearings, I got nervous and I pulled my $500,000 pension out of my Blackrock mutual funds and stuck the cash in a money market account. Pure luck on my part but I figure I need to take advantage of this crash and reinvest. My organization's pension fund is through Sun Life. My question is, would you put this in the Canadian Mutual fund (blue chip Canadian stuff) or the US Black rock fund (again blue chip US companies).....OR....European focused. I am debating. The TSX has been pummeled and seems like a good choice. What percentages would you follow? Any advice?
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on March 20, 2020
Q: Dear 5i
I'm always a little confused as to which companies are CDN hedged and which are not . Just because it's listed on the TSX doesn't` always mean that it is hedged I'm guessing . I'm also assuming that it looks like the CDN dollar is going to be weak compared to the US dollar for awhile .That being said which of the ETF`s listed above are CDN hedged and is it wise to have a balance of hedged and unhedged anyways ?
Typically you expect share prices to rise as earnings increase . With the state of the economy ie covid19 it is likely that earnings will be lower for the next couple quarters at least so there are few expectations for higher earnings from most companies .Given this , would you expect the market to rebound higher even before there are rising earnings simply on the anticipation that higher earnings will eventually happen once covid19 is proven to be under control , or do you think we would actually have to wait for increased earnings to occur before we would see any meaningful bounce in the markets ?
Please deduct points appropriately .
Read Answer Asked by Bill on March 20, 2020
Q: Hello
Thank you for your timely reply to my question.
The link to “past crashes” didn’t go to the correct page. Could you resend it with the correct link.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Dave on March 20, 2020
Q: Larry Berman noted money market levels are approaching highs witnessed after the 2008 crash creating a backlog of buying power, but He also noted that only when that is combined with a vix of about 40 ( currently around 70) will the market give a sign it is likely to turn around. He cautioned any big rebounds now are not a sign the market is turning for the better, we need the vix to come down first. Does this seem logical?
Read Answer Asked by Albert on March 20, 2020
Q: Dear Sirs,
What do you think of BMY at this time? Do you think it's too early to be buying these guys? I don't see anything they're doing regarding coronavirus treatment, so they may keep falling for awhile. They've done some good stuff recently: acquired Celgene (cancer) and Medarex (cancer) and have a leading drug partnered with Pfizer (prevention of blood clots caused by atrial fibrillation). They're down to about $49 from about $65 a month ago (like everyone). Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Allan on March 20, 2020