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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good Morning
I am the holder of several bonds of the above noted REITs. The maturities of these bonds are from 2021 to 2023.

According to Moody's, REITs have a "low exposure" to Global Covid-19. However, I would like to get your own expert opinion whether these two REITs will be able to meet their obligations to the bondholders during the next three years.

As always I appreciate your comments.
Thank you.

Read Answer Asked by Terry on March 23, 2020
Q: Good Morning
I own two Bank of Nova Scotia bonds. The first is issued in Canadian funds and matures in 2021. The second is issued in US funds and matures in 2022.
The Canadian bond has dropped in value by half a percentage point in the last month. The US bond however dropped by more than 4%.
Is there an explanation for the drop of the BNS US bond?
Read Answer Asked by Terry on March 23, 2020
Q: Hello 5i,
As a pensioner who requires dividends for my income, I have been looking at the above names to potentially add over the next year or so. It is my belief (uneducated guess) that it might take that long before we see any solid bottom and subsequent recovery begin.
In that vein, out of the above, how would you rank these based on the following:
1. Safety of company through a one year to 16 month recession.
2. Safety of the dividend through this same period.
3. Confidence in management team
4. Sector vulnerability
5. Value at current levels
6. Any other considerations, warnings or caveats for any of these ??
i.e. some of these have a decent 5i rating (B or higher), but the rating dates back to 2019, some as early as the summer.
And, finally, are there any suggestions you might have that are not on this list that deserve serious consideration in place of any of the above?
I am in no rush for an answer so take as long as you need to consider this question and deduct as many credits as you see fit - I should have enough to cover it. I hope that this question might also prove beneficial to other 5i members who rely on dividends for income.
All the best to everyone in this very trying and uncertain time!!! Be safe above all!!
Thanks to all at 5i!!
Read Answer Asked by Mike on March 23, 2020
Q: Hi 5i Research Team:

I have traded Forex before and am new to stock trading. 90% of my RRSP, RESP and TFSA is in cash and I'd like to avail the current market conditions by "gradually" buying the dips.. and holding it over the long term, 5 to 10 years. I understand that no one can time the market or its bottom.

After exploring the reports and questions on your site, I have identified the enclosed 29 stocks based on following criteria:
- Current Retracements of > 75% over 52 week high & low
- Dividend Yield > 5% (in some cases, like WEED, which is a bit risky, I understand there's no dividend in the near term.. and I am simply going for the upside swing over the next 2 years... same for CRON and Air Canada)

Considering my 90% cash position and strategy to partially buy in on dips over the next few weeks, can you please advise if my stock selection is sound. In addition to my stock picks, please advise anything else that I should keep in mind.

Thanks for everything you do. Much appreciate.
Read Answer Asked by Meherban on March 23, 2020
Q: I have a large cash position and am starting to re-deploy. Would like to take this opportunity to acquire a stronger US stock presence than I previously held. I am looking at about 40-50% in US to add to what will be a balanced diverse portfolio of Canadian stocks - many of 5i recommendations. I am happy with some overweight in tech .
I plan on putting in limit orders at lower prices than current and have my own price area for each identified, but as a "reality check" would appreciate some feedback from you as to what you think could be "suggested" buy prices on each stock.
Also, is there anything you would add to the list as Strong buy suggestions. Or anything you would delete from the list that you feel would not show a positive return in the next 1-2 years.
Thanks for getting out your crystal ball on this and congrats for coping so well with all the noise !
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on March 23, 2020
Q: Good Afternoon
Can you please provide a site where we can get the prices of Corporate Bonds?
Read Answer Asked by Terry on March 21, 2020
Q: is there any site that lets you know if companies are buying back lots of there own stock. thanks
Read Answer Asked by jim on March 21, 2020
Q: Even though LNF had a good last quarter, I am having a hard time understanding why Leon's is holding up as well as it is. When you build a house or do major reno's, you need to buy or upgrade your furniture. However, if the economy and specifically the housing industry are slowing down (as they are now), your need for furniture should follow suit. Shouldn't Leon's stock price follow suit and drop off more? I must be missing something. Thanks for your help...Steve
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on March 21, 2020
Q: MG: really low debt., low P.R., great ROE, beat EPS estimates by a fair bit 3/4 Q reported so far. Down a lot. FPE of 4.2 x. This thing looks like a good long-term buy: suffering over fears of shut downs - COVID-19? Even with electrical vehicles coming they would be involved and gas/dis. vehicles will be the majority for a long time still, don't you think> Is this a good buy for the long term?
Read Answer Asked by James on March 21, 2020
Q: Is it likely that when the dust settles after this crisis, with all the government spending, that we may enter into a period of hyper inflation? In your opinion, would I be better off sitting on cash or gold?
Read Answer Asked by Duayne on March 21, 2020
Q: Peter and His Wonder Team
It is my understanding that MDI is one of the best drilling companies in the world. I realize that a recession would reduce the demand for minerals, fuels etc. and reducing income. However 50% of there contracts is drilling for gold which does look positive for the next several years. Larry Berman on BNN predicts gold will hit $1900.00 within 2 years. So I am wondering if this might be a good contrarian investment at all time low prices or is this just another value trap. Your general assessment would be appreciated. Thank you immensely.
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on March 21, 2020