Q: Retired dividend-income investor with minimal healthcare exposure (2% of equities). If I wanted to increase my health care exposure via an ETF and receive a dividend, which ETF would you chose? Which type of account would you buy them in...RRSP, TFSA or Cash (I'm thinking about income tax implications and USA withholding issues)? In a previous comparison, you indicated you preferred LIFE over HHL, although in another question you preferred XHC overall. I am sitting on roughly 8% cash and currently think I may wait for 2nd Qtr earnings to unfold, or possibly wait until the USA election...I know this is market timing, but I just don't trust where we are at right now. Once Q2 earnings are in, I might invest the $/month over the next 6 months strategy.
So, which ETF would you choose and would you wait for Q2 earnings to be done?
So, which ETF would you choose and would you wait for Q2 earnings to be done?