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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have significant realized losses in my non-registered account. I would like your recommendations on income producing securities that have a high level of ROC. I use this account for income and understand that ROC will be treated as a capital gain and therefore could be deducted from my losses before I would need to pay any tax.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on May 29, 2020
Q: Good Morning 5i, I am noticing a pickup in M&A. Your thoughts on if you think the next few months will see plenty of deals and I am very interested in which
Canadian listed companies you view as potential acquisition targets?

Read Answer Asked by Robert on May 29, 2020
Q: Which of these insurance companies would you buy today? Five year hold.
Read Answer Asked by Lawrence on May 29, 2020
Q: Hi 5iTeam,
Suppose I have $250k in each of my RRSP , margin, TFSA, RESP and cash for a total of $1,250k with a brokerage firm. If the firms becomes insolvent, how could CIPF cover my investments? And would CDIC come into play in the aforementioned scenario?
Read Answer Asked by Harry on May 29, 2020
Q: Hi, US long terms bonds performed very well during the recent market decline. Did the Canadian bond etfs perform well during this down turn? Which ones did well? I would add to such bond etfs. Thanks.


Read Answer Asked by Shyam on May 29, 2020
Q: I recently trimmed my position in SHOP in my TFSA. I would like to put the new found cash to work. Looking for growth at a reasonable risk and would appreciate your top 3 suggestions other than the companies named above.
Thanks ram
Read Answer Asked by Ray on May 29, 2020
Q: Good morning,

Roku has dropped from approx $140 back to $106. Would you be adding to your position (If light) at current levels or are there any changes in your long term thesis?

Yesterday you mentioned XWD as a good ETF option for international exposure but stated that it had 65 percent NA. Is there a good option for international equity with a value bent without NA companies?

Thanks for being a calming voice during volatility.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on May 29, 2020
Q: Hi folks, now that it looks like oil is doing better, along with oil stocks, please get your thought on Oil Service company; Ces Energy. Stock has doubled off the bottoms and was wondering your thoughts on company; Both Scotia & TD have it as a "Top pick" & "Action Buy List" respectively. At $1sh per share, would U rate Buy/Hold/Sell, and would U like other names over Ceu/t, thanks, jb Piedmont QC
Read Answer Asked by John on May 29, 2020
Q: Good Morning,
I'm looking for 8-10 Canadian stocks that you think will do well over the next few years , maybe a mixture of safe solid names mixed in with some higher risk higher growth names. To list a few ideas I am thinking of a bank , maybe BMO, ENB,BAM.a,LSPD,KXS,BYD,GOOS,GSY.
Please add and/or change as you see fit.
Read Answer Asked by Chris on May 29, 2020
Q: Apologies for the long list. Could I have your opinion on which I should sell? I will probably take the proceeds and add to FNV, AEM, and KL (are those reasonable choices?). Thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by Brad on May 29, 2020
Q: Could you give me the forward PE on these companies and which looks best currently if buying ? Thx
Read Answer Asked by blake on May 29, 2020