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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter, one of my first investments after joining 5i, based on your high rating, was Enghouse. It has been a home run for me, up well over 200%! But I'm surprised that such a good stock seems so 'quiet'. I rarely read about it or hear it mentioned on BNN, for example, and see relatively few member questions on it. Does this surprise you? And while you have it B+, it is not in your portfolios and often your ranking of it seems somewhat lukewarm, at least as compared to several other tech stocks. Is this just a $3 billion+ company that is somewhat underappreciated or unknown to many investors? And for that reason or others, do you still see it as a good long-term hold?
Read Answer Asked by James on June 01, 2020
Q: I hold this company and would appreciate your view on it as a buy/hold/sell at the present moment and supporting argument for this opinion. I know that while this is a Canadian company all its holdings are in the US and it pays its dividend in US dollars. I was surprised to learn that those dividends are subject to a US withholding tax. However, I believe that since this is held in a non registered account, the taxes can be recovered at tax time. Am I correct in this regard?
Thanks, Don
Read Answer Asked by Donald on June 01, 2020
Q: Hello, I am planning to sell one of either ET or CAE or NWC to generate cash for the purchase of DocuSign. Which one of the these three would you sell? I understand that they are all good companies currently held in the 5i model portfolios, but I can't make up my mind. Regards, Gervais
Read Answer Asked by Gervais on June 01, 2020
Q: Hi 5i,

Are you aware if People Corp has plans to move from the Venture to the TSX? Their last quarter was excellent and i thought it may have gotten more interest after that but it hasn't done much. It always seems to be a weird trader but their growth looks to be accelerating. Perhaps a move to the TSX would be what they need to get more interest - maybe once they get to the $1B market cap?

Read Answer Asked by Joe on June 01, 2020
Q: I am looking to add solid Dividend payers with a history of growing their dividends, and TSM looks like it fits that bill. Plus TSM's Total Return % has risen consistently and impressively over 1,3,5 and 10 year periods. Do you see a significant risk in its not having a 'wide moat'? I'd be looking to add shares during any future Market downturn. Or would you prefer Intel, which has a smaller but decent dividend and currently trading at more of a discount, whereas TSM might be considered to be trading at a Premium right now?
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Mike on June 01, 2020
Q: Last year, I purchased ZDH in my mother's retirement account. She is close to 80. It has been a very poor performer, significantly underperforming the international indexes. Performance seemed to be reasonable prior to the market drop in the last few months. Morningstar now rates both ZDI (unhedged) and ZDH (hedged) as two stars, and it now falls to the 4th quartile for most time periods.

I would appreciate your views about ZDH. Would you continue to hold this ETF expecting that it will start to outperform the market, or would you sell it? Do you feel that it has dropped a lot since January due to its sector composition, and will bounce back? If you would sell it, what would you recommend? Dividends are not a priority, but looking for low to medium risk.

Thanks for your excellent advice.
Read Answer Asked by Dale on June 01, 2020
Q: If one was to buy some of the out of favour trends as mentioned in this article, what are some of the US and CAD ETFs that you recommend?

Many thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Hua on June 01, 2020
Q: Good morning,

Wondering if you have an opinion on Eurofins Scientific ( As well, if there was a way to invest in North America (CAD or USD) In this equity?

Read Answer Asked by Terry on May 29, 2020