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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Ryan, Peter
I am an income oriented investor and I want to increase my US exposure. I am looking for good Canada based ETFs that yield 3 to 5% dividend. I shortlisted ZDY, XHU and FCUD. I am bit concerned about their size, at least the last with less than 150m in net assets. Can you comment on these or suggest alternate ETFs
Read Answer Asked by Greyhair on August 17, 2020
Q: There are a number of measures that you have cited as priorities for selecting stocks, including sales growth, stance in an industry, potential market opportunity and management history.
Could you please show how these connect to metrics in your Companies data source so that they could be viewed and compared as readers? In particular I find the sales growth difficult to wrap my head around.
I appreciate that in practice your internal research is more complex and detailed than what end users are likely to do!
Perhaps some blog posts to clarify would be helpful tools as explanations for readers.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on August 17, 2020
Q: Hello 5i Team
Canadian General Investments (CGI) and United Corporations Ltd. (UNC) are “closed end funds” with a discount to book value and low trading volumes. Both of these entities have been around since the 1930’s.
The primary reason for holding them would be long term growth and stability and not dividend income. I would view them as “ballast” in the portfolio to maintain stability (i.e. low volatility).
In addition, since they hold foreign stocks, it eliminates issues with Foreign Holding reporting (Form T1135) and potential US Estate taxation.
Questions are:
1 – What are your thoughts on either of these as a long term holding in a non-registered account?
2 – Which company would be the better choice?
3 – Would it be better to hold E-L Financial (ELF) instead of United Corporations (UNC) since ELF owns approximately 52.5 % of UNC?
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on August 17, 2020
Q: This is a comment on Yongwei question regarding commission on ETF. I have an account with Questrade, they allow me to buy many ETF's with no commission and pay regular fee ($9.95) when I sell. They also allow trading many class F mutual with the normal commission fee of $ 9.95.
Read Answer Asked by Saad on August 17, 2020
Q: The price gap between the two seems to vary from 2.50 to 3.50 in favour of BEPC.
Do you see that as a constant going forward as both move in lockstep or do you see any circumstances that would expand or contract the differential?

Read Answer Asked by Terry on August 17, 2020
Q: Hi Guys,

Recently Jason Donnville wrote about Pivot Technologies in his ROE Reporter and had this to say:

"Pivot Technologies (TSX:PTG) – Benefits from a new management team which has significantly cleaned up the business and shored up the balance sheet. Pivot is a player in the edge computing market which benefits from some of the strongest secular tailwinds in the sector. Investors also get a large dividend along
the way. "

Any thoughts ? Thank you !!

Read Answer Asked by David on August 17, 2020
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan, and team,

My wife's TFSA consists of the above holdings. NFI is down 73.4%, and XMA is a tiny holding where we park cash (no commission with iTrade). The others are doing well, but perhaps they're not the best when held in a TFSA. Are there any outright sells, and what suggestions do you have to employ the possible cash? We'd like a bit more oomph from this account. Your advice is very valuable.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on August 17, 2020
Q: I want to build a stock portfolio of US Tech/Healthcare Stocks today with 20 Stocks for the next 10 years with growth being the main driver preferably with low debt, what companies would you recommend. Thanks for your useful advice.
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on August 17, 2020
Q: Re Marijuana Stocks..
Each State in the USA needs money. Do you think the need for money will encourage a State to legalize marijuana. How many States have legalized it and how many are looking to legalize it. Green Thumb had a good quarter. What are your thoughts and which Companies do you recommend. What about TLRY & HEXO. Biden's running mate is Pro marijuana.

Looks like USA will have to implement a Sales Tax like we have in Canada to pay for their deficit. RAK
Read Answer Asked by bob on August 17, 2020
Q: Buy cheap and sell high and buy on the way up they said and I did…..from 50 cents in 2017, a few times in 2018 and held when it got near $5 however I did not sell at $5 and now I am way down on this stock. Can I please have your hold or sell advice accompanied by thoughts on the future of YGR. I have a fairly large position and I hate selling stocks at a loss and would hang on if I knew of any middle ground recovery in a reasonable time period ..…thank you team
Read Answer Asked by Norm on August 17, 2020
Q: What are 10 best picks in USA for next 2 years. What is your view on CAT & FDX

Read Answer Asked by bob on August 17, 2020