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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have a diversified equity portfolio (60 positions across most sectors, tilted towards higher quality equities, with overall ~5% gold equity allocation (XGD, FNV, AEM). I am interested in a single silver equity pick to comprise about 1% of overall equity portfolio. First, is this a reasonable plan in current investment environment? Second, which security would be a reasonable choice (based on investment newsletters I receive, I am considering one of SIL, PAAS, HL, or SLV; all NYSE). Feel free to suggest another security, if you favor another.
Read Answer Asked by Ted on August 18, 2020
Q: TD Waterhouse has BIP as a buy. It uses two valuation metrics. EV/EBITDA and P/FFO. Which is better in your opinion. Why don’t they use P/E. Final question, is there another company I could use to compare against?
Read Answer Asked by Albert on August 18, 2020
Q: Hello:
I have another $10k to deploy in my TFSA with a goal of maximum long term growth without the tax man taking a chunk of those returns. What would be your top CDN pick today as well as top US pick? (Moderate risk is fine but no desire for gambling.)
Read Answer Asked by Marilou on August 18, 2020
Q: Good day,

Looking for growth stocks with good momentum, Canadian or US. What would you suggest ?
Any views on the above mentionned stocks ?

Gratefully yours,

Jacques IDS

Read Answer Asked by Jacques on August 18, 2020
Q: The 12 month low for bmo was $55.76 and for bns was $46.38 a difference of $9.38.
On aug 14 bmo closed at $78.03 and bns closed at $57.68 a difference of 20.35 in favour of bmo.
Do you think that a major reason for the weakness in bns is due to the coronaravirus in latin and South America and as it continues it to spread should I switch from bns into bmo or is it too late?
Read Answer Asked by Terry on August 18, 2020
Q: What characteristics about BAM.A has kept it close to the March lows? Some of it's subsidiaries have fully recovered. I think airlines and cruise ship stocks have recovered more than BAM.a
Read Answer Asked by Mike on August 18, 2020
Q: I'm somewhat concerned that we'll see more COVID this fall and I wouldn't mind trimming my portfolio of positions less able to benefit (short term). Boyd Income Fund comes top of mind due to people driving (crashing) less and it is also one of my larger positions (4.5%) but also still up (50%). Can you provide me with a quick note on how they've been doing this year (business, not stock price) and how significantly their revenues have been impacted? What is their outlook like?

Honestly, they seem to me to have held up better than I might have expected...

Read Answer Asked by Cameron on August 18, 2020
Q: Hi, I have some US stocks that are on SDGs topic such as ENPH and SEDG. I wonder if there is any similar companies in Canada other than Ballard. Thank you in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Yasushi on August 18, 2020
Q: I have an open ended time frame and $1000 which I am looking to put into the Gold mining sector. I am especially interested in Yamana Gold, but am willing to take on a fair bit of risk on something that might prove especially profitable. Any suggestions? Any risks to look out for in the near future? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by William on August 18, 2020
Q: It appears that in post Covid times, infrastructure money will be doled out to get the economy rolling again. It may be time to sell some tech or at least trim. I am currently over 40% in tech. It’s been great but I realize more diversification is important.
I know that you’ll recommend BAD and likely STN but what else may be on the horizon to consider?Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on August 18, 2020