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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i,
Just wondering your solid opinion on EDOG as opposed to some of the other DoD’s out there like IDOG and SDOG?
Read Answer Asked by Rick on June 05, 2020
Q: Hello 5i team. I am starting an investment accounts for my daughter who has started working. She & I are interested in, for her TFSA, co's such as Google, Apple, Microsoft and other tech consumer names. Is there a Cdn dollar ETF with distributions, that invests in this space. I am additionally considering ZWH & CDZ to round off as a starting base.
Read Answer Asked by Harry on June 05, 2020
Q: Looking for some guidance on my US equity holdings. All of my US holdings are in the above ETFs in my RRSP accounts. The US portion represents 21% of my total investment portfolio. Generally I look for a balance between income and growth with dividends used to supplement my pension income. I have 9 years before I have to RIF.
I had held VGG and VUN until recently when, based on one of your answers to another persons question, I switched to ZSP as it has a slightly better return, lower MER and higher Tech weighting. Also more friendly tax structure. I also picked up ZUP at that time for more yield but might be ready to sacrifice that holding for one with more growth or simply add it to the other holdings to keep it simple.
Could I have your opinion on my holdings and any suggestions for improvements and why. I am looking for good overall diversification across the US market with a view to a balance between income and growth. Would like to keep my holdings in CAD.
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on June 04, 2020
Q: I recently asked a question regarding switching strategy from etf to individual stocks and i appreciate your answer very much. My question was generated by the response that you gave to James regarding investing in a diversified portfolio. At that time you gave him the follwoing names: TEAM, MSFT, GOOG, ROP, PG, BIIB, VZ, SBUX, COST, JPM.

Just a followup clarification on that suggestion. I wonder, because of the tax advantage for Canadian dividends and the predominance in the TSX of Banks and Telecoms, whether one might be better to replace VZ and JPM by Canadian names? I know that the question asked, I think, specifically for US names. But, just wondering if one held both Canadian and US, whether this might be better? Also, do you think that say, ten like this, is enough diversification on the US side?
Read Answer Asked by joseph on June 04, 2020
Q: Hi

In my RRSP would it be wise to replace VGG, ZDY, and ZWH with ITOT.

Looking for lower fees and growth.

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Mike on June 04, 2020
Q: Hi All, on May 1st I sold 1/2 a position in BIP.UN and put the proceeds into BIPC, since then BIP.UN up 6% while BIPC is up close to 14%, perhaps I should sell the remaining shares in BIP.UN and buy BIPC, these shares are in
an non registered account, if its a 8% difference in 5 weeks what will it be in one year. Thanks as always Anthony
Read Answer Asked by Anthony on June 04, 2020
Q: I bought these three stocks (CAR, LUV and ELY) for the eventual bounce, which has come far more quickly than I imagined. My plan was to set a target and then sell because I don't consider any of them to be especially good long term holds. Are any of them what you would consider to be great companies? Thank-you again for sage advice in turbulent times.
Read Answer Asked by Alex on June 04, 2020
Q: Hi Group appreciate your comments on Gold dropping like a anchor and the strength of Cad dollar I own several gold stocks+ ETfs FSV + GLD appears to be hit the worst. I hold 8% of my portfolio in gold any reason to reduce my exposure. On the currency side what's the outlook for the US dollar seems like its getting hit hard against other major currencies including the Cad $ Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Terence on June 04, 2020