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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello team,

Shares of VET in the US fell hard (by about 18%) on Thursday and another 2% after hours. I know oil is not doing well but isn't this a bit of an overreaction? Unless, something else is going on with the company. Anything material?

I have a full size position and wonder what the best course of action is: add, hold, or lighten up at a loss? I have a very long investment horizon and this is my only investment in oil.

Thanks a lot for your guidance especially in these crazy times.
Read Answer Asked by Saeed on June 12, 2020
Q: IDG CN has been in continuous decline since 2018; we are near the lows the stock set. There has been little to no bounce from mid-late March lows. What is your outlook on the company (realizing there is a lot of unknowns with government bailouts for mall/plaza tenants) and do you think at current levels it would make for an attractive buy?
Read Answer Asked by AI on June 12, 2020
Q: Taal recently put out a 5 year corporate vision ( which seems to pivot the company's focus to transaction processing and some other related areas. This new vision relegates the volatile mining business to the background in favour of what seems like a more sustainable model. I understand this is still a speculative investment and a very small cap company but I would appreciate hearing whatever thoughts you might have. Thanks.

(I think the ticker in your system needs updating as it has traded as TAAL since late last year.)
Read Answer Asked by Marco on June 12, 2020
Q: Hello Peter,
Air Canada has a take over offer at $18 per share, and assuming the regulators approve the deal, would this price still hold given Transat is trading in the $6 dollar range? If the deal is not approved by EU regulators, would Transat be a good buy at $6 per share or would Air Canada be a good buy at the current $19 dollar range? Thanks very much
Read Answer Asked by umedali on June 12, 2020
Q: I wonder if you can point to an article or other guidance on what key metrics to look at and how to interpret them for a stock. Being relatively new, I tend to look mostly at profitability and revenue growth on a go/no-go basis when looking at a company in the absence of other info (ie 5i recommendations). Using REAL as an example, total after tax profitability is only 9% and 3 yr revenue growth is a tepid 8% and falling from a 5yr rate of 17%. These numbers are underwhelming compared to other co's, so I must be missing something with a company like REAL, and would like to learn how to see a little deeper.
Read Answer Asked by Rick on June 11, 2020
Q: What is your best guess as to the likelihood of a dividend cut by any of the above listed companies? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Chris on June 11, 2020
Q: This is a big picture question about the current "incredible" rally.

What percentage would you attribute to
a) Fed's fiscal input including printing money and buying all kinds of bonds,
b) Short covering by both big and small investors
c) FOMO by Institutional investors (smart money) and
d) FOMO by retail investors (dumb money)?

Is there a place or articles one can access to get an idea about these variables?
Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on June 11, 2020
Q: These are the US holdings in my RSP. All have done well except for SYK down about 8% with a limited outlook for the rest of 2020 based on the Covid pandemic. Regardless of sector weighting, what are your favorite 2 or 3 US equities for growth over the next 5 years? I'm okay with a moderate risk.
Thanks in advance,
Read Answer Asked by Greg on June 11, 2020
Q: I asked this question yesterday and I am re-sending as I have not received an answer. Thank You.
Enbridge Inc Pref Ser D
This prefered is currently yielding around 9%. It will reset in Feb 2023. Since interests rates are expected to remain low for the next year or two, is this a safer way to invest in a RIFF for the next 2 years? I expect to sell these shares in 2 years to meet the mandatory withdrawals. What risks should I be concerned about? Other then interest rates going down from here, what can possibly drive the share price further down ?
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on June 11, 2020
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan, and Team,

Today (rightly or wrongly), I used the large uptick in the share price of CAE to sell my position that's held in my TFSA. (I sold with a gain of 4%, not counting the previous dividends.) I feel that the "airline" sector will still be under pressure after the present euphoria settles down, but who knows?

Having said that, please suggest two or three stocks or ETFs from each of the following sectors that could be considered somewhat defensive as well as being suitable for a TFSA. Portfolio Analytics indicates that I'm underweight in:
Basic Materials
Communication Services
Consumer Defensive
Financial Services

Please deduct as many credits as you deem necessary. Thanks for the continuing superb service especially during this unusual time.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on June 11, 2020