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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i team,
Kodak caught my eye today. It was up 250% in the pre-market. I used to own it 100 years ago. Last I remember, it was on the verge of bankruptcy as no one was buying cameras anymore with all the smartphones offering that function. Now it wins a contract from the U.S. Government to manufacture drug ingredients to help offset supply chain issues with China. I don’t plan on buying Kodak but this seems like the craziest company pivot I have seen from manufacturing cameras to drug ingredients. A sign of the times, perhaps?
Read Answer Asked by Dave on July 28, 2020
Q: Next Thursday, 11 companies (which I hold) are reporting their earnings either before market opens or after market closes. This is a record for me. Curious, what procedures do you or other 5i team members use to deal with even more companies reporting their earnings on the same day in a timely manner? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Karen on July 28, 2020
Q: Question asked by Terry: "What was the price of Fnv and the price of gold at the end of 2011?" Canada Stock Channel will give compound earnings on $10,00.00 with and with out dividend back to 1995. Just enter the stock symbol and date range.
Read Answer Asked by Roy on July 28, 2020
Q: I am wondering what the most relevant gold price is. I see the December gold futures contract displayed on BNN as of yesterday, and which just touched 2k, but that contract seems a little far out (time wise). Shouldn't they be showing the September or October contract prices when the August contract 'rolls over'? Is the spot price the most relevant price, or the front month contract? When exactly is a futures contract considered 'rolled over'? What is a reliable source for the gold spot price?

Please deduct as many credits as necessary and help me clear up my confusion. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Marco on July 28, 2020
Q: Hi Peter and Team,

What are your thoughts on this company for a small cap play? I realize its high risk but do you see potential in terms of good management and general future prospects? Could you comment on debt, revenue and insider ownership?

Thanks as always for all you folks do.
Read Answer Asked by Wes on July 28, 2020
Q: Hello 5i,
I'm currently holding a 2.44% position in XGD etf. I would like to add 2.5% to either a junior gold etf or gold bullion CGL.C.T. My concern is has gold climbed to rapidly. Should I wait for a better entry position. If you have other gold buying suggestions or not, please add. Thank You. Walter
Read Answer Asked by Walter on July 28, 2020
Q: Hello and thanks for your insights. I'm looking at these three as long-term (~5years) paid-to-wait plays on demographics/pandemics/energy respectively. Collectively, 10% of my portfolio. I'm retired and 55 and could manage nicely if all three went to $0.

Question: Do you consider this move to be on the lower end of the risk meter?
Read Answer Asked by William on July 28, 2020