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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I purchased BEP.UN on July 30, 2020. On that day, the CFRA report available through my bank's investorline site had it down as a 'hold'. Then, the next day (July 31st ), CFRA had it down as a 'buy' and then on Aug 2nd as a 'sell'. I usually sell when CFRA advises to sell. My questions are:
1) How can CFRA ratings change this quickly?
2) How reliable are CFRAs ratings?
3) Should I sell?
Thanks for your help
Read Answer Asked by Mary on August 04, 2020
Q: Hi 5i Team - Just wondering if you could give me your opinion on whether Lightspeed might be in a similar growth position that Shopify was a few years ago. I am not asking for a firm prediction here, just a general idea. Also what are the similarities and differences to Shopify's business structure.
Since this is my third question in the last two days and it is still the holiday weekend please feel free to take your time in responding - no rush.
I hope everyone had a good long weekend!
Read Answer Asked by Rob on August 04, 2020
Q: For George on April 1st you ranked a list of Royalty Streaming companies. What is your current view of that ranking, do any stand out and what is your reasoning for the top 3.
Thanks, Hugh
Read Answer Asked by Hugh on August 04, 2020
Q: Hello 5i Team
Given 5i are not tax experts, could you please comment on the subject below as I could not find a clear answer.
1 - If I own, in a taxable account, a US based REIT (i.e Monmouth REIT) and if a portion of the distribution is "return of capital (ROC)", is the US ROC treated the same as Canadian ROC (i.e. deducted from the capital cost of the US REIT each year therefore reducing the adjusted cost basis)?
2 - Or is the US ROC "lost" and I pay tax on it similar to a dividend from a US corporation?
3 - I have noticed the US REITs do not post the tax breakdown of the annual distribution as the majority of Canadian REITs do.
Any suggested source of information for this topic?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on August 04, 2020
Q: Hi, I have have 152 shares of BEP.UN in my RSP. I understand I will get 1 share for every 4 I have so I would be getting 38 shares of BEPC. What would be my avg price for these new shares? Also if they are both sitting in my RSP, what should I do instead of holding both?? I know I can sell both and then buy BEPC in my margin account to get the dividend tax credit going forward or if I wanted to continue holding them in my RSP, is it best to just consolidate them into one? If so, which one? What would be the most efficient thing to do? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Keith on August 04, 2020
Q: My two US industrial companies just reported. The SYX results looked quite good to my inexperienced eye. Not so sure about XYL even though it was advertised as a beat. XYL basically has not beaten earnings in the last year or so and I am wondering if there are better US opportunities. I do hold SIS, TFII, CAE and WSP but overall am a bit underweight industrials. Any suggestions?
Read Answer Asked by Paul on August 04, 2020
Q: Hi 5i Team - I have held Shopify in two accounts for several years now and although I have sold much of it over the past couple of years at a substantial profit (thanks to your advice) there is still some left which it seems becomes more significant each passing month. I find myself, however, unable to describe it's business with any degree of confidence to other people. Could you provide me with a simple description of exactly what it does in plain terns that I could relate to others.
Who are Shopify's customers and clients - do these terms mean the same thing - and how many are there. Do they have other relationships with large corporations beside Amazon and what exactly is that relationship with Amazon. I feel I should have an understanding of all of this but it very limited.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on August 04, 2020
Q: Where do you see the market going by the end of the year?
Read Answer Asked by Clayton on August 04, 2020
Q: I just noticed that CNBC has gold futures- Dec.20 - $1993, but has gold futures-Oct.20-$1981, the difference of 10 dollars and month is not the same. I am confused which futures is correct.? Please kindly explain, many thanks
Read Answer Asked by Hue on August 04, 2020
Q: LSPD on US today closed @ US$33.94 + $5.77 on 135shs(4392 sh , av/3mos) on no apparent news.On July 31,CIBC issued a report expecting a good Q1 with a outperform & C$47 TP. PI has a C$43 TP On July 30 it announced a launch of new features to drive digital transformation of retail smbs. Do you have other news? Reporting on Aug 6 before open.What is the estimated EPS & Rev. Txs for u usual great services& views
Read Answer Asked by Peter on August 04, 2020
Q: I've been considering Dollarama for a small position. You seem generally positive about it.

I found it to be the only company among the ones I researched with a negative shareholder equity. Investopedia tells me this is a warning sign, indicating the companies liabilities exceeds its debt.

Can you explain Dollarama's situation and advise as to whether this is a company to avoid?

Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on August 04, 2020