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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good morning to the best investing guys ever.
I'm interested in the above. PINS , SNAP are soaring this morning. Which is your fav? OR are there others in the space you prefer? Should I wait and watch before I hit the buy button?
Thanks for keeping me on track and doing well for 6 and a half years.
Read Answer Asked by El-ann on October 21, 2020
Q: Hello
I own three consumer staples in US market.
In the last year Mondelez has much out-performed Coke and Diageo by a long shot. But If I go to a five year chart they all performed equally well.

Do estimates point to Mondelez out-performing the other two in the next year or two? The reason I ask is I am wondering if I should just hold Mondelez since the Coke and Diageo are not performing well of late.

Long term investment hold, 20 years plus.

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Stephane on October 21, 2020
Q: Hi 5i team,
What is your favourite top pick for India ETF and your top pick for China ETF (preferably in C$)? Or would an emerging market ETF be a better investment approach? Which emerging market ETF you prefer that has a larger percentage invested in China and India? Thanks for you advice.
Read Answer Asked by Willie on October 21, 2020
Q: To whom it may concern ,
I have some GIC’s maturing but interest rates are so low that it is hardly worth rolling them over. I am looking for some alternatives with high security and better Yield. I am thinking perhaps some bank stocks or Vanguard products and would appreciate your opinion or any other advice you may have.
Thank you for your valuable advice..
Ernie Trosch
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on October 21, 2020
Q: Peter; Have you heard of this company- it’s being heavily promoted - my sister in Cranbrook was approached because our PM apparently was on the Colbert show touting it ! It has a odour about it. Thanks. Rod
Read Answer Asked by Rodney on October 21, 2020
Q: I have both in my RRIF. BIR has moved very well last 2 weeks and I am making small amount of money. Still down with TOU . Should I keep both for time being, have held them for quite a while. I could put the money in another stock, or top up TOU for dividend.With topaz starting maybe TOU would increase DIV sometime in future. Tks for helping in past
Read Answer Asked by Guy on October 21, 2020