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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Could you give me your assessment on these three companies please. Would you consider buying any of these today? How would you rate them? How do they stand financially? What are their growth prospects?
Thanks John
Read Answer Asked by John on November 03, 2020
Q: Good afternoon, this little food company has really been rocketing up in the last couple of weeks but I see no news since Oct 22. Do you have any idea why ? Could it be that this stock now trades on the OTC or might be getting press in the states? Volume is up 5 fold do you think this could be setting up for a rocket down? Thanks as always for the great service.
Read Answer Asked by Kolbi on November 03, 2020
Q: What would be the best equal weight TSX ETF (CDN $) and also S&P (US dollars) Low fees for both.
Read Answer Asked by Maria on November 02, 2020
Q: Hi team,

What is exactly the meaning of "Capped" for an ETF.

May I suggest a category in your list of questions which would be 'vocabulary" or "meaning of..." for quick reference for unexperienced investors like me. It could avoid repetitive questions. I knew at some point what "capped" meant, but I forgot....

Many thanks,

Jacques IDS
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on November 02, 2020
Q: I currently hold a 5% position in renewable energy stocks. Made up of BEP.UN + AQN + XBC. Please recommend one additional stock is this area. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Ronald on November 02, 2020
Q: I started resp for my daughters 15 years ago. My older daughter will start university in close to 3 years, and my younger one will be completing her univeristy in 9 years. Currently, in their RESP portfolio, 67% is cash, 11% is mawer global small cap, 14% is mawer global equity, 4% is mawer canadian equity, and 4% is BAM.a. I would like to put more cash to work to get some safer growth. BAM.a seems to be cheap right now. Is it a good time to buy some more? The Canadian dividend etfs only half recovered from their March lows. Is it a good time to buy some? If so, do you have any favourable etf names? Or do you have any suggestion on alternatives? Any tips on the portofolio weightings will also be appreciated!
Read Answer Asked by Ching on November 02, 2020
Q: HI 5i Team,
In my USD account I hold REGN and ABBV @ 3.5%. I am considering adding ALXN growth. What is your opinion of this stock? If not this then any alternative? Dividends are not a priority.
Over the last 3 year of my membership, have immensely benefitted from your advice. Keep up the good work.
Read Answer Asked by Rajinder on November 02, 2020
Q: Hi 5i Team,

Can you please tell me what Tech Companies you would buy today (US and CDN) in light of the sell off for a 5 year hold.

Thank you,

Read Answer Asked by Patrick on November 02, 2020
Q: I've been trying to find out how resource stocks did during the 1970's compared to the commodities themselves. I know that gold and real estate appeared to have done well during that period.

If resource stocks did well enough, I am considering entering a position in TECK.B. I believe it was a gold stock back in the '80's if I recall, before combining with Cominco. So it would not be possible to see how it did back then with it's current commodity mix.

I think you are favourable to TECK.B as an investment, but I was wondering about the historic relative performance of resource equities vs the commodities if that is possible - approximately.

Read Answer Asked by James on November 02, 2020
Q: Hello,
Renewable energy will be the in the high demand in future. So which stock you prefer to hold on US & Canda side for better growth.
Read Answer Asked by Jigneshbhai on November 02, 2020
Q: As a general preamble, I notice that, given the recent dip, a surprising number of companies have stalled over a 2, 3 or 4 month periods. SHOP has done nothing since late June, AAPL since early August. Aside from gyrating do you consider this sideways movement the equivalent of a re-valuation? Would you recommend buying companies such as these, that also have good recent earnings reports and outlooks? And can you comment on these two specifically? If you can add any other names to this list I would appreciate it. Thank-you.
Read Answer Asked by Alex on November 02, 2020
Q: While off their lows, financials have not recovered this year. I am having difficulty not seeing these as 'shouting', if not screaming buys for the long term investor. Companies like JPM and BNS seem to have sound businesses and pay a nice divvy. The conservative nature of banks in Canada seems particularly attractive under these circumstances. What am I missing? Can you add some granularity please. Thank-you.
Read Answer Asked by Alex on November 02, 2020