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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I’ve owned Blackline for a few months, and it had done well going from high 60’s to low 90’s and then fell off a click down to low 70’s. I can’t seem to find much news. Was it earnings related, outlook change in leadership? Do you think it is a good stock to hold, correction is overdone?
Read Answer Asked by Aleem on August 12, 2020
Q: What are your overall thoughts on investing in commercial mortgage REITs for income in this market? How would a pick-up in inflation impact this sub-sector?
BXMT is closely related to BX - has advantages. Please advise on this particular REIT - BXMT - or another you prefer.
Read Answer Asked by sam on August 12, 2020
Q: if we go with a thesis of recovery from Covid19 effects and benefits to beaten-down companies that deliver an 'experience' such as airlines and restaurants, would Transat be at a good entry point?
My ideas and questions:
1. Could Transat survive on it's own without a buyout or merger?
2. I can't see the government having any appetite to nationalize airlines so they either have to bail them out or let them merge. Either way Transat should benefit as long as it stays in business!
3. how much is Transat insulated from any rise in oil/fuel prices from an economic recovery? What is their hedge strategy?
4. did Transat delay the merger, did Air Canada? or did the government?

Read Answer Asked by Neelesh on August 12, 2020
Q: 2 questions - what's you outlook for gold / silver moving fwd after the blood bath today ? will the price recover or are we headed back down below $2000 or?- what's the general feeling amongst the gold bugs
- What is your top 3 stocks both in Canada + USA regardless of sector (I am a moderate risk investor. Deduct credits as you see fit

Thanks for your help its appreciated
Read Answer Asked by Terence on August 12, 2020
Q: Hi Team,

I've used Norbett's Gambit a couple of times to buy regular American Companies like Visa or Starbucks.

Now I'm interested in a fund with a '.u' designation. Is it better to convert to USD funds and then buy, or just buy it through Questrade in Canadian dollars?

Just for readers' information, Questrade now prefers an e-mail rather than a chat or phone call to journal the funds.

Thanks as always.

Read Answer Asked by Kevin on August 12, 2020
Q: Hello, split shares have dropped quite a lot recently. Most are well below the $5 threshold (DF-$3.08, DGS-$3.50, FFN-$3.52), where monthly dividends ($0.07-0.08) are distributed. Most of the companies that are being held in split shares are bank stocks and other high quality Canadian stocks.

I am trying to better understand the risks of owning split shares. I estimate the only circumstances I would not collect dividends are when:
1) the prices of the equity inside the split shares never go back to the normal level, and
2) the dividend-paying equity inside the split shares cuts and suspends dividends.

What other risks can you think of? Do you think the risk outweighs the rewards?

Read Answer Asked by Esther on August 12, 2020
Q: Hello,
For a TFSA with a long term horizon (5+ years) would you please rank these companies, keeping in mind their current valuation?
Also, are there any that you would shy away from/not consider?
Thanks for your help
Read Answer Asked by Antonio on August 12, 2020
Q: Hi,
As a South African, I have had an affinity for Gold and Gold stocks over the years. I knew about the Krugerrand when I was just a child, lol. However, I have to say that I have never really made money from holding onto gold stocks. I own KL, AGI and BTO and except for KL i am losing money on the other two. If I can’t make money in this environment of excessive money printing and low interest rates , I wonder when I ever can. Over the years, I have been disappointed with gold stocks, with a buying and hold strategy working in my disfavour and waiting 5 years to just then break even. I do have a diversified portfolio and thanks to 5 I for some of the great ideas. Your comments are appreciated?
Read Answer Asked by ilie on August 12, 2020
Q: Back on June 3, this question was asked. Would you make any changes now?
"If you were starting a new account with 100k with a portfolio of 10 US equities, with a 10 year time frame, which 10 would you currently choose?"
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on August 12, 2020
Q: Hi 5i team, is gold still a viable hold now that Russia has announced a vaccine? I hold Kirkland Lake Gold and Franco-Nevada. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Steven on August 12, 2020