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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I recall 5i stating in 2020 that DSG, KXS and PHO, all have no debt and significant cash reserves. Can you recommend 3 other good Canadian and 3 American growth stocks in a similar position.
Thanks you.
Read Answer Asked by Grant on November 05, 2020
Q: Banks and Insurance Companies.
What would be the impact to the banks and Insurance stocks if they hold steady their dividends and do not increase them when they usually do. Do you feel that they could/would do this.
Read Answer Asked by Ric on November 05, 2020
Q: Good morning. I own the above in my TFSA. I'm up a bit on KEYS, down a bit on GRUB, and more or less even on the others. There was a recent question on which technology companies you would buy right now and I own everything on your Canadian list but only NVDA on your American list. My question is, which of my holdings would you consider replacing with something off of the American suggestions.
Thanks for your advice.
Read Answer Asked by Rod on November 05, 2020
Q: Dear Amazing 5i Team: I would like to take a small position in one more growth stock in my TFSA. Currently own KXS, WELL, APPL and TSLA in TFSA. Took your advice to hold growth stocks in TFS and doing v well with KKS and WELL thanks to your picks.
Read Answer Asked by Dr Lorraine on November 05, 2020
Q: With low interest rates prevailing for the foreseeable future and continuing volatility I think Gold would be a good investment for the next 12 months or so. Please provide a strategy for gold.
Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Patrick on November 05, 2020
Q: Good Morning
I will appreciate any comments you may have with respect to the effect on the stock markets regarding the outcome of the US election so far.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on November 05, 2020
Q: Hi 5i team,
A number of companies show up regularly on your favourite lists, which seems to be a popular feature with your subscribers. I have held SPLK in the past. It has been well over a year since any question on it. A lot of analysts are quite positive on SPLK in the big data and cybersecurity space and it doesn’t seem crazy expensive for a tech stock. Obviously, all can’t make the top tier lists. I am curious on your view on SPLK and what keeps it from making the cut.
Thanks again for the insight.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on November 05, 2020
Q: I havent had much luck with this stock over time. I sold it for a loss earlier this year just before Brookfield stepped in(sigh). Re-bought in 30 days thinking there might be opportunity for SPB rolling up small biz in the states. How big is this area in the US and does SPB have credibility as a divvy growth for doing this?
Read Answer Asked by Gerald on November 05, 2020
Q: Hi guys your assessment of PKI earnings were ok I thought they we’re good market seemed to agree with me
Am I missing something in my analysis
Kind regards
Read Answer Asked by Stan on November 05, 2020
Q: Hey team, I think you misunderstood Jacob’s tax question. He WOULD have to declare his capital gain on his growth stock. He is not excused from this just because he rebuys the same stock shortly thereafter.
Read Answer Asked by James on November 05, 2020