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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: The results today seem very good. Can you comment
Read Answer Asked by Leon on November 11, 2020
Q: own 200 shares of GC @ $42.95 - what is your long term outlook ( 3-5 years) with the prospective new owners.
I do not need the tax loss benefit but am looking at selling CAE immediately with the latest price jump and buying back later in Dec. with the outlook of a drop in price caused by those who do need the use of the tax loss.
Which one of the major gold companies has the greatest potential to outperform in 2021/22 ( not considering risk )?
Read Answer Asked by ed on November 11, 2020
Q: Hello 5i team,
I have become interested in buying a small position in this company. It missed expectations this quarter and dropped to $94 but seems to be quickly regaining its momentum. What is your opinion of this company for a long term hold? Does it have a lot of debt?
Thank you for your help,
Read Answer Asked by Jane on November 11, 2020
Q: Hello 5i Team
The Northview Canadian High Yield Residential Fund Class A units, initial public offering has closed and the units have begun trading on the TSX as NHF-UN.
The units are trading today (Tuesday) around $13.00 up from the IPO price of $12.50.
The website “” does not offer much information yet other than the initial prospectus and IPO marketing materials.
Questions I have are as follows:
1 – How does a “closed end fund” differ from REIT from an investment and/or taxation perspective?
2 – Is this a reasonable investment, given a three to five year hold.
3 - When compared to the other residential reits (BEI.UN, CAR.UN, IIP.UN, KMP.UN, MI.UN and MRG.UN), how does NHF.UN rank?

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on November 11, 2020
Q: How would you set up an income investment for a single senior expecting to need the dividends/distributions for living expenses. for another 25 years. It could be individual stocks, funds or ETFs, or a combination of them. The amount to be invested is $80,000 to $100,000 CDN. Half in a TFSA and half in a cash account, self directed.
Thank you for the great advice.

ou suggest 10-12 stocks
Read Answer Asked by Elliott on November 11, 2020
Q: I intend to reinvest the proceeds from the NVU.UN buyout settlement. I'm looking at TCN or IIP.UN as replacements. I'm leaning towards buying TCN to diversify a bit into the USA housing market since I also hold CAR.UN and to avoid the effects of the Ontario rental rates freeze. Total hold for the two holdings would be about 6%. What is your view of which of these options to chose and also would you suggest a third alternative?

I realize that market timing questions are almost impossible to answer, but given the very recent bout of almost irrational market exuberance, should one buy now, make a partial buy now, or hold off a bit?
Read Answer Asked by John on November 11, 2020
Q: Is there a good ETF that covers the US large pharmaceuticals, either hedged or not? And if so which way is better right now?
Read Answer Asked by Shirley on November 11, 2020
Q: What source do you use to assign a "Sector" label to a specific company? Do you group similar sectors under your labels? Can you elaborate on the process you use in your portfolios?

I attempt to apply sector labels to individual companies in order to track sector weightings and maintain an awareness of the level of diversification I am achieving.
Keeping the number of sectors to a reasonable number (10?) requires grouping of stocks.

Currently I am using ; Consumer C/NC (10%), Finance (20%), Health Care (10%), Energy (10%), Industrials (10%), Technology (20%), Telecom's (10%), Utilities (10%). Industrial's and Consumer C/NC usually get a mix of companies thrown in there. The weightings are my loose guidelines, and I do vary from them quite a bit. i.e. Energy is currently at 3%, Tech at 40%.

I have a struggle controlling the Tech weighting due to positive returns of my holdings and the fact that so many innovative companies use technology in conducting their business and thereby are classified into the Tech Sector. (E.g. REAL is within the real estate industry however is placed in the Tech Sector.)

Any thoughts you can offer to provide me with a healthy perspective are appreciated. Thanks.

Read Answer Asked by Terry on November 11, 2020
Q: Sold Mogo at a huge loss a few years ago. But the beauty of a do it yourself investor is that we can revisit the stock a few years later. Perhaps now is the time to get back in this company.
Once burnt twice shy but I have revisited a few stocks over the years and was glad to get back in. Sometimes the timing is just not right. For example, I revisited absolute software and was rewarded.
What do you think of mogo now that there is a bit more interest in bitcoin and crypto?
Still very promotional by wernekle?
Read Answer Asked by Helen on November 11, 2020