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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have to add US tech exposure (missed the boat) and only 4 percent which translates to $350,000. I already have 60 holding (total portfolio) which is already high but I’m ok with it given the size of my portfolio. Which would you pick? Should I just buy all 4 at 1 percent holding increasing to 64 holdings or pick just 1 or 2?
Read Answer Asked by Chris on November 12, 2020
Q: I am helping my niece set up with ETF. She is holding the below funds right now. Can you please advise their fees and which ETF would you suggest replacing them with? Is there a site where you can check the mutual fund fees and performance?

PH&N LifeTime 2045 Fund
RBC Canadian Equity Fund
RBC Balanced Fund
BLK Balanced Index
Capital Global Equity
BLK US Equity Index

Thanks for your help
Read Answer Asked by Hector on November 12, 2020
Q: I try to buy best in breed companies or leaders in each sector/industry with the goal of holding for the long term. With the current sell off in high growth tech stocks my buy price alerts in the above companies are starting to get triggered. During times when we get a market sell off or sector rotation, as we may be getting over the next few days or weeks, I like to only buy one or 2 positions per day in order to keep some powder dry if the sell offs continue. If I don't hold positions in any can you rank in order of what you would buy first to last and please feel free to add other companies to this list you feel are good buys. Thanks for all your help.
Read Answer Asked by Clinton on November 11, 2020