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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: For a non-regustered account, with the price difference at about 8 dollars would it be better overall for income to purchase BIP.UN if you had a fixed dollar amount to invest for the additional shares you would get over purchasing BEPC even considering the dividend tax credit benefit of BEPC..
Read Answer Asked by RALPH on August 26, 2020
Q: Morning 5i team,
I'm looking for a few suggestions on an ETF that covers consumer staples in the NAM? Some that came to mind were XST and STPL, but they seem to lack US exposure?
Read Answer Asked by Phil on August 26, 2020
Q: I was listening to someone who was saying that industrial is the new retail (because of the supply chain to online sales) and that it makes sense to invest in COLD and PBW (US). What are your thoughts on this thesis, and if you agree, what companies would you recommend? It seems that TFII has benefited from this theme.
Read Answer Asked by Maria on August 26, 2020
Q: I recognize this company is a penny stock ( trading at 12 cents a share) but it does seem really cheap, compared to say Alcanna. Liquor sales for home consumption have really picked up and the LCBO near my house seems pretty busy all the time. The hot weather certainly helps but the consensus of friends and family is that enjoying a good drink is one of the few safe pleasures these days.
Read Answer Asked by Murray on August 26, 2020
Q: I am a bit overweight on pipelines and think I should sell some Enbridge or Pembina and beef up a couple of my smaller tech holdings since we are a bit underweight on that right now. I already own enough CSU, KXS and OTEX but only partial positions of Enghouse and Descartes. We have bought and sold SHOP several times over the past year, making some good money so have treated it more like a trading stock and don't currently own it. Would you agree with buying more Enghouse and Descartes for the long term at this time or would you recommend something else?
Read Answer Asked by Maria on August 26, 2020
Q: Hello 5i,
I just received your article on the Canada Pension Plan fund. Thanks very much for taking the trouble to send that out. One of the things that struck me on the top thirty holdings of this successful fund, is that the only Canadian holding in that category is wsp global. i am wondering the reason why? I am sure that they are close to this organization and have some idea of their plans? Do you think they believe that having this company in the top thirty indicates that they have above average hopes for its future expansion?
Read Answer Asked by joseph on August 26, 2020
Q: Good Afternoon,
I heard someone speaking on the tv today about REAL and how they have access to a large amount of data in regards to home inspections that need to be completed to qualify for refinancing. I have never thought of this angle before, all the homes out there that require a new roof, plumbing , windows etc. They are wondering how they can monetize this data . This could be very valuable data in the right hands, thoughts on this concept?
Read Answer Asked by Chris on August 26, 2020
Q: I am helping a 19 year old relative set up a brand new TFSA. With $12,000 to invest, I would like your thoughts on the following possible approaches:

1) The market rally seems overdone to me in the short term, although maybe there are not many great alternatives, so investors are buying stocks anyway. But Sep/Oct are often volatile, so perhaps we should hold cash and invest on the pullback?
2) Since the time frame is decades, we could disregard the current market conditions and invest now.
3) Hedge our bets - invest half now, and keep half to take advantage of pullbacks.

When we do invest, we will likely invest half ($6K) in an ETF, and the other $6K in 3-4 stocks. What specific ETFs / stocks would you suggest?

Thanks for your sage advice!
Read Answer Asked by Ed on August 26, 2020