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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Can I get your thoughts on PSNL please, it's gotten some attention now that ARK has disclosed they own 10.1%. Is this company good enough for a starter position?
Read Answer Asked by dan on November 12, 2020
Q: Im looking for an ETF that invests in environmental, social and governance (ESG)stocks.

Thanks Valter

Read Answer Asked by Valter on November 12, 2020
Q: Hi 5i
Based on my recent review of Portfolio Analytics information, I need to increase my US and International exposure significantly and, also, Consumer Cyclical, Consumer Defensive, Industrials and Tech.
With the thought of killing a number of birds with just a few stones, could you recommend a few ETFs that trade on the TSX that will increase my US and International exposure along with my investment in the listed sectors, while also having the prospect of some reasonable return in the form of either capital appreciation or dividends, or both.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on November 12, 2020
Q: Hello 5i,

I am looking to create a sector diversified portfolio, that will provide dividend income
each month throughout the year? Preferably yields over 4%, reits, and etfs are acceptable. Even better would be payouts at the beginning of each month?

Thanks for your help
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on November 12, 2020
Q: I asked this question on my phone few days ago and I haven't seen the answer yet:
Can you give me your current top 3US and 3CDN growth stocks?
3US and 3CDN compelling recovery stories post covid.
Read Answer Asked by JR on November 12, 2020
Q: One of my portfolios I run a leveraged that is currently about 2.5x leveraged (stocks :equity). More than half of the portfolio are dividend companies (overweighted beaten up real estate) and then tech at 20% with the rest diversified value/blue chip. This is a riskier portfolio than an average RRSP but in the context of my entire net worth and other business/real estate assets it is 5% and so I am okay with the risks.

That being said, after we have had big moves upwards, what might be some of the ways I could hedge or pay some small insurance premium for protection? I could simply sell off some of the portfolio, and also take capital gains but would be losing that longer term leveraged exposure that I see as the economy rights itself and to allow my value stocks to play out.

I know the big hedge funds can use options on CDS but what could a private investor do?

Read Answer Asked by Bruce on November 12, 2020