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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have depended upon NUANce's voice recognition software for twenty years. Good product & continuously improved with each iteration (now at Version 15). But as an investment it has been a dog -- bumping around the 10-20 USD range year after year. With no dividend to compensate. Until the pandemic. Since Mar 20 of this year the stock climbed from $14 and is now hitting $50, and still growing. One other point: their main software product, Dragon NaturallySpeaking (renamed Dragon Professional), was -- for nearly a decade -- priced at an MSRP of $150 USD. This month that price jumped instantly to $500 USD. Bam! My Question: Please offer your opinion about the prospects for this company as a worthy investment vehicle over the next few years. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by RANDALL on January 15, 2021
Q: In a previous question relating to TRP, you wrote "Interest might come back to the name but with the poor momentum, we would prefer to wait for some sustained strength in shares before getting interested." How much emphasis do you put on momentum vs valuation? And with an increase in momentum, you would see an increase in the valuation. If you were a long term investor and believed in the company why not buy at a more attractive price?
Read Answer Asked by Edward on January 15, 2021
Q: Hi 5i. I am interested in the lithium space. I have listed three stocks that I have found. Would you recommend this space and if so what would be your favourite? It doesn't have to be from my list.

Thanks again for your reasoned advice.

Read Answer Asked by Peter on January 15, 2021
Q: Happy New Year to all of you.
With EV sector is getting hot day by day. Instead of chasing a particular EV company to invest, does that make sense that chips are required to build EVs? If that is true, which chip company (or companies) products are more involved? such as ....


Read Answer Asked by Lin on January 15, 2021
Q: Can you tell me which stock is currently cheaper to buy and the price metric you rely on: Birchcliff or Keyera? I would like to get exposure to natural gas sector and based on Q&A these two companies seem to be your current favourites. Are there other significant differences between the two to factor in? thanks again - John C
Read Answer Asked by john on January 15, 2021
Q: Looking for growth companies to increase returns on my portfolio. I have chosen these four companies knowing fully well they can be volatile. Are there any reasons you wouldn't buy any one of them at these levels? My intention is to buy them as a 'growth basket'. If you think others might have more potential, please feel free to suggest them.
Read Answer Asked by Les on January 15, 2021
Q: HI 5i -

What is your take on this company (Eguana Tech), recognizing that it is very small - is it financially healthy? What do you think of its revenue prospects as part of the larger energy storage market? They claim to have a patented storage solution that is superior to competitors, and apparently have an order backlog of ~$23M.

Read Answer Asked by Tom on January 15, 2021
Q: I just opened up a U.S. -TFSA. Could you pls provide me with approximately 4 U.S. companies that would suit this and advise why you would recommend them. Any sector is fine. I have very little healthcare, I like tech, but am open to your suggestions. Looking for stablility and have a approx. 8 yr time frame.
Thank you so much - you are indeed the guiding light for many out there with our investments!
Read Answer Asked by Margaret on January 15, 2021