Q: I am not familiar with fixed income investments. I am looking at investing 30k in fixed income . Your portfolios show investments in CVD, CPB, and XHY. Looking for best optimization of rising rate environment and falling bond prices in the future. Just going through your question answer background material , I find VGRO, ICVT, and CSU.DB, very interesting. What would be the best combination in addition to any suggestions you may have. Thank you for your valuable guidance and a great job 5i is doing.
Q: I have roughly equal positions in the above and am thinking of selling GSG, which is doing ok but no dividend, and increasing my positions in NTR and LUN. Your thoughts, please? Any downside to this? Is the upside of the dividend worth it? Thanks
Q: hi group - looks like tech+ growth are under attack in the present market (comments please)- ( have about $50,000 to deploy in general would you add to some of my winners (COST+ MSFT +APPL +LSPD +AMZN + KXS+GSY+BYD + IWO or jump into some of badly beaten stocks?
(please list 4 US /CAD of these beaten up stocks in order )
lastly would you wait for market to finish correcting before spending the $. Thanks for your views on this
Q: REAL down significantly this year snd just keeps dropping. They say the trend is your friend and the trend tells me to sell. At what price would you just throw in the towel on this laggard.!
Thanks for your help,
Q: In the last few months, gold has not been doing poorly, falling back from its recent highs. I would appreciate your thoughts as to why it is not doing well, and whether you think this is just a period of consolidation, before a large upturn. I would have thought that in today's market (with forecast inflation, market and political turbulence, large government deficits) it would have supported a large increase in gold price. However, this is clearly not happening at the current time.
Your thoughts on this market dynamic would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks again for this wonderful service, and your valued advice.
Q: Would you average down and buy more AMT here? I know it is expensive on a valuation basis but is there any other fundamental issues that causes you concern? Do you think Keysight Tech would be a better way to play 5G? Thanks
Q: Hi 5i.
Coal Island Ltd., a (former)shareholder in Hudson Resources Ltd. recently disclosed pursuant to the requirement for an "Early Warning Report" that it has 'disposed' of 18,466,827 common shares in HUD for 'gross aggregate proceeds of $2,874,526.00' through the facilities of the TSX Venture Exchange.
Does this mean that HUD bought back these shares, thus having the same effect as any normal share buy back, resulting in there being less money in the company but fewer shares outstanding and thus more value for each issued share, and would that be where the money for the transaction came from? Or would there be third party hidden in here somewhere?
Coal Island says it paid $0.15562 per share, and although the market price of this volatile stock has decreased some since the Coal Island disposition, the share price is still over .20 per share.
Thanks for helping me understand what went on here.