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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Thank you for answering my question comparing ARKK with QQQJ/EDGW. Somehow it seems to have been flagged as Private! Didn't mean to mark as private. Please feelfree to unflag it!
Your answer as always has been consistent. You favoured ARKK. Thanks.
But this is an extension of that question. I know you don't get into asset allocation! Let me try anyway in the following manner!
If someone is ready to invest 100k, 3 to 5 years, high risk tolerance, what would be % you would allocate in each of the ARK funds?
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on February 08, 2021
Q: I’ve held BAD since it’s .un days so done well with it over the long term, and was fortunate to be able to add to my position last March taking it to 3.5% in a well diversified RRSP. I’m looking for some decent growth out of it, however, and I’m not sure this one has that over the next couple of years unless oil activity fires up again in NA (fat chance). Does BAD have potential to benefit from from all the recovery infrastructure spending and is that a catalyst worth holding/adding to BAD?

Read Answer Asked by Tony on February 08, 2021
Q: I transferred TFSA $25,000 Canadian to my US TFSA which I had never used. I received about $19,000 US. In my Canadian activity account it says transferred out $25,000. Do you know if we can transfer in and out between accounts as many times as we want and it is not considered
a withdrawal. You can’t get through to the CRA
ever so I am wondering if your team knows the answer. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Helen on February 08, 2021
Q: I am looking for suggested sector weighting’s for a senior (75 plus), mostly conservative, investor.
Much appreciated as usual - ram
Read Answer Asked by Ray on February 08, 2021
Q: 3 questions regarding gold:
(1) I currently hold XGD for the long term, with a dividend of about 0.68%. Would I be better to hold 2-3 really good gold mining stocks, in a non-reg acct, like KL (div 1.99%; no debt) and AEM (div 1.97%). Or with this long-term investment, stay diversified with XGD? I care more about stability, value and some growth, not the dividend.
(2) Should I also hold some physical gold in an ETF like PHYS? If so, what percentage of gold holdings would you have in gold producers vs physical gold?
(3) A friend of mine holds some physical gold at home. Comments on this appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Grant on February 08, 2021
Q: Hi,
Which stocks would you recommend to buy now in your Balanced Equity, Income and Growth model portfolio?
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on February 08, 2021
Q: Hi 5i,
Knowing very little about the machinations of the gold market..I bought into WDO back in Aug 2020 close to YTD highs. Currently down close to 40%.

I have read your previous Jan 25 response so realize you see no reason to change course despite the current negative sentiment and analysts downgrades.

My questions is in what time frame and under what conditions would you expect WDO to make a recovery to previous levels or at least reverse current trend? 1 year , 2 years ect..... your best guess is appreciated.;)

Read Answer Asked by jim on February 08, 2021