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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi, holding these two stocks currently waiting for the deals to close with their acquisitions. Do you see any compelling names right now to buy (CAD or US) instead of waiting for these transactions to close or should I just wait? Just thinking about the opportunity cost of waiting. With the proceeds, I would be able to top up on some existing positions (DOL,NVEI,FB,AMZN,REAL) that are under 1% OR buy two new positions that you think are good entry points and compelling for long term growth. Thoughts? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Keith on February 08, 2021
Q: I notice that although Dye and Durham is growing quickly, they seem to take on debt, unlike other acquisitive firms such as Enghouse or Constellation. It seems to me like quite a bit of debt for a company that has $20 million or so quarterly revenues. Can you comment on their level of debt as you see it and if this presents a medium-term risk to their strategy? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on February 08, 2021
Q: Hi,
I'm now down 25% on Unity. Is it time to run to something else?
If so, what 5 names would you recommend?
Read Answer Asked by Marco on February 08, 2021
Q: Do you consider Kohls worth holding? The company pays a good dividend but does it offer potential for moderate growth? I own about 1/2 as position.
This is the question I asked in Oct 2019. Litte did we know what 2020 would bring. I have held on to this stock thinking it might recover. The stock price has recovered well. It appears the company has returned to positive earnings. Not sure when the company will begin paying a dividend.
Is this stock worth holding or should I move on?
Thank you for your great service.
Read Answer Asked by J Stephen on February 08, 2021
Q: Have followed WPRT for years and understand your feelings on it. Recently they seemed to have started a comeback, with their engine’s adaptable to hydrogen and the large truck orders with Amazon and working on research with Scania. Do you think there is hope and might it be a decent speculative buy?
Thanks again for your wisdom and help keeping me on track.
Read Answer Asked by John on February 08, 2021
Q: I'm trying to understand the risk/reward on VXX. I know it's an ETN trying to mimic the VIX through futures. Where VXX/VIX are right now and based on history I see downside risk in 2021 of something like 20% and upside of more than 100%. The chances are good that we have a normal correction sometime in the next year. Am I missing something?
Read Answer Asked by Mike on February 08, 2021
Q: Hi, This morning's NR about the $295.5 mln Equity offering of WELL shares/subscription receipts for $9.80, through private placement by Li Ka-Shing and others, to finance proposed acquisition of CRH Medical in Cash for USD$4 - What does it mean ? Why at 25% Premium to 5 day WELL average market price ? Just trying to understand ..How does it impact the company and its shareholders/stock price ? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on February 08, 2021
Q: Dear 5i
I`m reading that sports betting will grow at a rapid rate over the next 3-5 years or more . That being said , i`m contemplating between PENN and DKNG as two good choices . I'm seeing that Penn has a much better growth rate than DKNG so I'm leaning that way . Would you agree with this or would you recommend something else ?
Bill C
Read Answer Asked by Bill on February 08, 2021
Q: Will you please give me your top choices in Forestry stocks, at present, Can either be CAN or US.

Also, please give your top choices in either country for Agriculture Stocks.

Thank you. Please take 2 credits.
Read Answer Asked by Donna on February 08, 2021
Q: I'm looking to add a new holding in the healthcare sector, and am currently looking at either WELL or PTQ, for a smaller cap stock. Currently, I only have Stryker (SYK) and Amgen (AMGN) in the healthcare sector. Which of either WELL or PTQ would you prefer for more significant growth potential over 3-5 years, with moderate risk. Please provide a rationale for your preference. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Lois on February 08, 2021
Q: Hello 5i. Can you please recommend 5 names you think will sector outperform in the next 1-2 years?
Read Answer Asked by Fabio on February 08, 2021