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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter, further to my previous question, Please advise what you have (and your source) for the short positions for the above equities. I have:

Read Answer Asked by Keith on February 23, 2021
Q: This company appears to be doing well (recent results and dividend increase) and the stock has climbed significantly in the last number of months. It makes up about 4% of my overall portfolio (which is significantly overweight in technology). Would this continue to be a strong candidate for accumulation in its sector or would you prefer others?
Read Answer Asked by Calvin on February 22, 2021
Q: Hi, I purchased EIX end of March 2020 for its div and for some stock price upside. My research at the time showed it to be a solid company with decent dividend and earnings growth. Aside from its nice dividend the stock price has languished for the year and div growth not great but analyst seem to forecast price still in the 80.00 range. I noticed you had 1 Question about it awhile ago and you seemed to like it. Can you give me your analysis please?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on February 22, 2021
Q: Looking for a transportation play. These are the 3 that come to mind. 1) Am I too late to get in for economy opening play 2) which would be highest growth potential 3) is there a disruptor or smaller more leveraged play that you can suggest.
Read Answer Asked by Todd on February 22, 2021
Q: Hi Team,
After the pullback over the last 2 days (today especially), would this be a good time to add to this company? Or do you see further weakness here? If so, what price would you target to buy in, if at all? I know there's lots of hype about the possibility of Score moving to the nasdaq. Do you believe the growth potential is here as hyped up to be? Do you consider the management solid? Thanks for your input.
Read Answer Asked by Shane on February 22, 2021
Q: I threw some speculative money at FORT and it has taken off resulting in a double so far. What is your opinion and does it have potential to keep going higher?
Thank you Gord
Read Answer Asked by gord on February 22, 2021
Q: I sent this question in last weekend and haven’t had a response. I know you have been busy and it may still be answered yet. So in case it got buried somewhere I will send again.
I have bought the 3 companies recently based on the areas of the market they are in. The idea being that they are in popular fields that they could do well. I purchased a 1/3 position in each and hoping they would increase in value. They have and am now looking at adding to them about another 1/3 position. Should they increase another 10 to 20% I will probably repeat.I would like your expert opinion on each and whether this is a good strategy with each one? Or do you feel any one of them is a little too much risk? If you feel negative or positive on any please give me a brief summery on why.
Please take the appropriate amount of credits, cause I know there is more than one or two questions here.
Thanks for your advise. John
Read Answer Asked by John on February 22, 2021
Q: Every time I've looked at BAM or related companies I see a negative EPS (over a period of time). Everyone loves the parent and most of the subsidiaries and the buyers are usually rewarded. I don't understand how this works. I can't think of many companies with a similar profile of consistent success and apparently consistent losses. Is it all about cash flow?
Read Answer Asked by Peter on February 22, 2021
Q: I have these four ETFs currently and I have new money to add. Should I top up one (or all) of these, or is there one you feel would be a good complement. The four ETFs probably indicate my risk profile, but generally I am pretty conservative (a couch potato). Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on February 22, 2021