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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter & 5i,
I've been watching TRI for some time. It is currently classed as Industrial sector in the PA database. I'm pretty sure it would be more appropriately classified as Technology or something else?
After Tuesday's price increase would you still initiate a position at this time for a 5+ year investment.
Thanks so much.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on February 24, 2021
Q: What is your opinion of these 2 socially responsible funds from Wealth Simple ? Would appreciate if you could comment on the mix of holdings, performance, and fees and if you would recommend. If not, what would you choe as an alternative. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on February 24, 2021
Q: Greetings:
Not a question, just a comment. I read with great interest, the ideas
and truth put forward by KEITH on the BULLY tactics being used
by Bip in their unwanted meddling. We all understand that the market
is the market, but the shareholders have taken a reduced dividend
and now when energy is turning the corner they are trying to steal it. I have a large holding in IPL for many years, and all we can do is try to make other shareholders aware of what is happening. I talked to IPL investor relations today about it , and I would suggest that others do the same. Thanks for printing this.
Read Answer Asked by BEN on February 24, 2021
Q: Good Morning Peter & team

XBC down almost 30% in the past month and just under 10% on the day today Feb 23. To be fair it is a down day for the markets in general - nothing goes straight up. However, the recent trend is alarming.

Anything you have seen which would account for recent losses? And I imagine your view of XBC hasn't changed?

Thanks for all you do

Read Answer Asked by Gord on February 23, 2021
Q: Greetings 5i team,
I am looking to sell my shares in IPL (hopefully at a higher bid than currently offered by Brookfield Infrastructure) and replace them with another pipeline company. I can either add to my current position in ENB, or put the money into TRP. Can you please compare the balance sheet strength of both companies, future growth prospects, and dividend growth prospects? ENB recently raised its dividend by 3%, while TRP raised its dividend by 7%. Is TRP the better income stock moving forward? I'm a long-term investor with a 10-yr + investment horizon.
Many thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Brian on February 23, 2021
Q: Hello. Can I get your current recommendations, if any, for companies in copper, platinum and palladium? Ideally looking for smaller plays for torque. Deduct credits as required and stay safe!
Read Answer Asked by Robert on February 23, 2021
Q: Hey 5i,
Say that you are a “very aggressive growth investor/trader” using a commission-free brokerage and a stop loss strategy to mitigate risk to make sure you are far from the last one out when a downswing/correction/crash happens.

1) What would be your current top 15 highest conviction aggressive picks that you think would appreciate the most in 2021 (USD and CAD), regardless of any other considerations like sector weightings.

2) On businesses that you are most comfortable with (GOOG, AAPL, MSFT) what would be the highest weighting you’d be OK with? The stop loss strategy to mitigate risk applies.

Please deduct the appropriate credits, thanks !
Read Answer Asked by Michael on February 23, 2021
Q: To me, inflation is a super irritating economic phase, it's the neighbours calling the police because everyone was having too much fun at your party. Trillions of (COVID) dollars have been injected into the global economy with more on it's way, rising interest rates are on the distant horizon, I don't want to be caught off guard. What's the best way to position my portfolio to reduce the negative effects of this trend?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on February 23, 2021
Q: Hello 5i Team. First of all thanks for the report on MG. I bought a nice position and the next day saw it go up by >9%. Cheers to you for that!

I have a question for you about two metals stocks I held in December but sold to pursue a bigger stake in FCC which has paid off nicely. Now that I am adding more to RRSP for income tax purposes I am looking at getting back into some metals or mining stocks.

I sold XBM at 16.02 in December and now see it at 18.00, would you buy at this price? I sold KNT at $8.49 and now it's on sale for $6.56. Any recommendations to get back into either stock or alternatives in the metals sector? My investment timeframe is 20+ years and medium risk. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by John on February 23, 2021