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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Morning 5i,

Some time ago you recommended a podcast called Invest 'Like the Best', which has been great, thanks for that. One of Patrick's recent guests is Jeremy Grantham who outlines a case for the current market being in late stage bubble territory. Do you have the same feeling? Any advice as to some defensive plays prudent investors should take other than taking some profit off the table or going to a slightly higher percentage cash to be prepared to take advantage of a downturn? Are you recommending any examples of securities which have done well in such situations?


Read Answer Asked by Dan on February 26, 2021
Q: Hello. Could I get your top five metal/mineral plays (excluding gold/silver) with a few comments on each?

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Robert on February 26, 2021
Q: In less then a month I am up 50% on Twitter. As a result Twitter is now 5% of my portfolio. Similar story with AT.TO, up 90% and just over 5% of the portfolio. I am thinking of trimming Twitter (25%)and significantly trimming AT (50%) before q results. Money to be used for ICHR, what weighing would you start with or is it better to go with SOXX at 5%? I believe I need a position in this sector given current/future demand.

Don't you think AC stock is getting ahead of the reality and air canada path back to business will not be as smooth as the stock is indicating? Or are the investors looking 2 years ahead and are willing to discount any turbulence? Is that the strategy here?
Read Answer Asked by JR on February 26, 2021
Q: Markets are really backing off with Nasdaq down over 500 points Thursday afternoon. Looks like a good correction. Can you list your top 10 stocks (1 to 10) you would buy that seem to be set up for big rebounds.
Read Answer Asked on February 26, 2021