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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: These two companies appear regularly when you mention companies that are "cheap" with good growth prospects. Of the two, which is "cheaper" and which would you expect to have more stock price appreciation in the next 12-24 months?

Also, GSY is up 10% today - is that due to their sale of Paybright to Affirm? Seems overdone if so...
Read Answer Asked by Cameron on January 18, 2021
Q: Could you please give your perspective on gold vs silver vs Bitcoin. Could please also give a couple large, medium and small cap silver stocks that would be good growth investments if silver continues to break out.
Read Answer Asked by mike on January 18, 2021
Q: Can you update your opinion on Fiserv? I’ve owned PYPL since the spin out from EBAY and wonder whether I should just stay with a leader (albeit expensive) or add FISV. Opportunity or value trap while people judge the FDC acquisition? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Michael on January 18, 2021
Q: In making a comparison of the discount Canadian dollar store, Dollarama with the American equivalent, Dollar General, one has to be impressed with Dollar General. DG has more than 17,000 stores compared to 1300 for DOL and DG is opening more than 1,000 new stores each year. The performance and execution of DG has been steady and in an upward direction while DOL has been much more choppy. In addition it seems like DG has found a way to improve its on line presence with digital coupons and other measures while DOL has on line case sales only. It would make sense that if DG wanted to expand beyond its borders, DOL would make an excellent target.
Can you please provide your opinion as to which company you would favour regardless of country of origin and if you believe DOL would be a possible acquisition target for DG? Thanks for your on going great service.
Read Answer Asked by mitchell on January 18, 2021
Q: Hi 5i,

I am new in the Canadian market and want to learn more the behavior of Canadian stocks. I found those Canadian stocks both traded in US and Canada behave very good price momentum. KXS is not listed company in US. However, I have found there is a KXSCF (OTC traded in USD), does it usually trade actively for such cases. I have a feeling that the reason it dropped due to the company is not listed in US market. Do you agree that we should invest for those companies traded in both US and Canada market, they will behave much better with more volume transactions and better price momentum. Many thanks and kindly advise.
Read Answer Asked by ma on January 18, 2021
Q: It appears that while U like DOO,it is not one of U top 5 favourities.On Jan 15 it reached a new H of $89.18 & closed @ $87.91 up $5.61(6%).Are there any news to cause this beautiful rise besides Doo & its can-Am vehicles won the Dakar Rally 4 years in a row taking the top 11? Would u buy or add here? places.Txs for u usual great services & views
Read Answer Asked by Peter on January 18, 2021
Q: For the fixed income portion of the portfolio, do you have any recommendations / suggestions (ETF, private fund, mutual fund, specific bonds). Realistically, hoping for a return between 3 and 6%. I am ok to take some risk. Looking for a decent risk/reward investment. Long term hold.
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on January 18, 2021
Q: can you pls explain the $$$ benefits to ATD shareholders with this announced strategic partnership? How much does a partnership make in terms of revenues and profit on the bottom line? And how long do shareholders have to wait to see these benefits? the conference call may answer some of these questions, but have you seen other deals of this nature result in immediate shareholder value or should we sell the news.
Read Answer Asked by adam on January 18, 2021
Q: I have difficulty determining certain financial metrics* for FISV. This is perhaps due to the closing by FISV of its acquisition of First Data in 2019 and the consolidation of statements . (FISV’s acquisition in December of ONDOT would not be a factor).
Data I have access to show a very low ROE, and a sky-high PEG.
1.*Would you have something more current on your systems for forward P/E , PEG, and projected ROE?
2. I had assumed FISV’s management was generally fine, but I see now that other FinTech and payment processor companies have done much better over the preceding ten years. Do you think FISV may have swallowed more than it can digest in terms of both debt, and in its ability to effectively merge operations?
3. If you had small positions in MA and FISV, to which one, if any, would you add? (perhaps not comparable) .
( Trading on Thursday 14Jan: MA dropped 5.6%, Visa -3.6%v, PYPL -1.11% , FISV -2% but SQ up 0.8%, and DFS up 1.5%. Struck me as puzzling or is this normal? )
Read Answer Asked by Adam on January 18, 2021
Q: Effective Monday, Questrade will accept & approve trades starting at 7 AM. What are the benefits & risks of this? Thanks!

Get a headstart on your trading day. Starting Monday, January 18, pre-market trading will open half an hour earlier at 7 am ET.
Here is what this earlier start time means for you:
GTEM orders for U.S. trades can be placed or filled as early as 7 am ET
Day orders may be approved as early as 7 am ET on Canadian or U.S. routes, but will continue to be filled only on market open
Reminder: U.S. markets are closed on Monday, January 18 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Read Answer Asked by Austin on January 18, 2021
Q: Hi guys!

Can you please recommend some alternatives/additionas to XTR? I'm looking for high dividend with also an (as high as possible) degree of diversification. Essentially, a couple choice income picks if I were to only choose 1-3 ETF for an entire dividend-based portfolio. This is in relation to my previous question where I was looking to do something relatively safe with ~60k over 2-3 yrs. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on January 18, 2021
Q: Hi, I feel my Tech. Sector 30+% is getting too big, in case a correction is in the future.
T- 3.5 - Kxs- 5 - Lspd- 4.4 -Pho -4.3 - Real -4.1
Csu- 3.5 - Syz - 3.4 - Stc- 2.1 -Bce - 3.4%
Would you consider all these Tech. Stock? I like to keep my sector allocation to 9 or 10 sectors for simplicity ,but I do know there are sub- groups.
Would you sell any of these positions ,or trim all or some? Thinking a 18-22% sector weight, would you agree?
Read Answer Asked by Brad on January 18, 2021