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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good day,

I was wondering if there is a good (free) source that publishes the expected future (i.e., next) date of earnings reports? If not, is it something you could add to your company profiles without much work on your end?


Read Answer Asked by Steven on March 03, 2021
Q: Greetings and thanks for all that you do in helping retail investors.

3 or more questions here so deduct as many credits as needed.

What would 5i think of CMX? Looks like they have interest in a nickel operation as well as copper and gold. This came on my radar as a member of a group I share ideas with saw it possibly in a financial post article. All the same I would appreciate your opinion on CMX for a small speculative battery material/commodity play. What to be careful of and what to be hopeful for. Risks ect.

Also while we are on the topic of battery materials I would be interested in 5is general opinion of the sector? I have seen various sources stating battery materials are in short supply and are expected to be a major issue as we move to greater adoption of E-VEHICLEs. Further, what companies do you like for battery materials?

Lastly, I currently hold a 1.75% position in NOU which I think should do ok but would like 5i honest opinion here as well. Ill be hanging on to this for 3-5 years all the same.

Cheers and thanks for the insights.
Read Answer Asked by Duane on March 03, 2021
Q: Hi 5i gang,

What are your current favorites for the reopening trade? I know this is not a new theme, just looking for stocks that are still are reasonably priced.

Read Answer Asked by Christopher on March 03, 2021
Q: I am currently underweight in bank stocks... about 8 percent of my equity portfolio. I'd like to increase them... to what % do you recommend? I currently own RY, TD and SLF. Would you just add to these to bring them up to the new weighting or would you add other banks and if so what?
Read Answer Asked by Carla on March 03, 2021
Q: Good Day,
Previously, you recommended that I consider purchasing ZDI in order to add international exposure to my portfolio. According to the portfolio tool, I still only have about 4.5% international exposure (the tool recommends 35%). I'm just wondering if you would still recommend purchasing ZDI in order to build international exposure?

Read Answer Asked by Ryan on March 03, 2021
Q: Hi,

Thinking of dropping a 5% stake in a REIT`S. I see you hold ZRE in the income portfolio. There are two others that with US exposure(PHR) and CGR is a global reit.

Since I am overweight CND stocks does it make sense to go with either PHR or CGR.

This will be held in a LIRA account and I am aware there could be withholding taxes if I go with PHR or CGR.


Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Rino on March 03, 2021
Q: I currently hold STC, CSU, SHOP, KXS and OTEX as tech in a well-diversified portfolio. I am thinking of selling OTEX in order to get more long term growth. I want to maintain my diversification in tech but also don't want to add on significantly more risk. I was thinking of adding one of LSPD, CRWD or U.

You have mentioned in the past LSPD and SHOP could be seen as similar. I could use a US-based investment so does it boil down to CRWD or U? Or, given my parameters, just stay the course or is there another equity you think may fit better?

Appreciate the insight.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on March 03, 2021
Q: I currently hold XCD and would like to 2 names for a RRSP , will not be withdrawing money for 10 years and would like to know which 2 names from AW.UN, MG or LNF would you add?
Read Answer Asked on March 03, 2021
Q: I follow the Balanced portfolio for my RRSP; it's time to make my 2021 contribution. My goal for this account is steady, long-term growth while accepting moderate volatility as it is all-equity.

I have a small amount of TOI from the CSU spin-off, and am contemplating adding to it to bring it to a half-position, would you endorse this move? If not, then I would close my position since it is quite small at this point.

I would then have enough money to add to maybe 3-5 additional positions, which of these would be good to add to right now?


I am fully weight/overweight the other Balanced Portfolio holdings so would rather not add to those.

Please deduct as many credits as required. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Walter on March 03, 2021
Q: For these three companies, would they be good candidates for the TFSA, knowing they are smaller capitalization entities? And if so, what order would you suggest doing so or all somewhat equal.
Read Answer Asked by Tom on March 03, 2021