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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi group bought CJT last week but so far not impressed with the stocks performance . Everything looks good and their business should be growing into the present environment not steadily going down can you help me understand why the market appears to be discounting the stock. Buy sell hold and why thanks PS i would have thought that the contact with Amazon would have helped but so far it has not ?
Read Answer Asked by Terence on May 07, 2021
Q: Hi group what's you thoughts on health care , Financials, consumer staples. Tech buy sell hold / top 2 picks in each sector thanks
Read Answer Asked by Terence on May 07, 2021
Q: Hello, given the current US$ exchange rate and the loses still incurred on a handful of CDN stocks, I'd like to hear your thoughts on selling the decent dividend but significant double digit % loses to acquire more US$ and move it into GOOG & FB. Alternatively I have considered adding to VFV or starting a position in VGRO and leave it as CDN$. I am ~25% in USD of which I plan to use so I am not concerned with adding a few more points of USD. Thank you for your opinion.
Read Answer Asked by Randy on May 07, 2021
Q: Please give US or Canadian stocks, in Consumer defensive, Energy and Health sectors which are buyable now. Thanks for great service.
Read Answer Asked by KULDIP on May 07, 2021
Q: What is your current view?. positives include: 42 percent insider ownership. participant in theme growth industry ( sale of frozen plant based food products). strong customer base ie Sams club Walmart Kroeger Target. . excellent balance sheet. diversification into other food. products ie just announced all cash purchase of" Foods of New Mexico " are there any brokerage firms that follow TTCF? and if so what is there 12 month price targets? thanks Richard
Read Answer Asked by richard on May 07, 2021
Q: I have a question about the Emerge ARK ETFs vs the ARK ETFs in the US (under Cathy). I was thinking of buying the Cdn version but am a little concerned. My understanding is that the ARK funds (under Cathy) in the US charge a "total" of 0.75% for their services. Their Cdn version, the Emerge ETFs, I thought charged 0.80% for their services but looking closer, they appear to charge a "total" of 1.15% which consists of the mgmt fee and other expenses I assume.

I believe I have to look at the MER to see the total cost and not the mgmt fee?

Is it possible the extra costs are for converting Cdn $s into US $s to acquire US equities?

I assume we are better off buying the ARK etfs in the US under Cathy?

If you could confirm my understanding of the above few questions it would be appreciated. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Walter on May 07, 2021
Q: The IPO market is getting very active. Is there a good website where I can get details, like financials, price, underwriters etc. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Joanne on May 07, 2021