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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: The etfs ZST and HFR are both classified as ultra-short term bond funds. HFR has an active designation and a slightly higher MER (0.47% vs 0.16%) but their long term behaviours are markedly different. Over 10 years, ZST has lost ~15% of its value whereas HFR has remained flat. In the covid-spring of 2020, HFR briefly lost 20% of its value (now regained) but ZST hardly moved. Do you have any idea what accounts for this different behaviour?
Read Answer Asked by richard on March 08, 2021
Q: Please share your long term view for this company - ttcf. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by David on March 08, 2021
Q: If we do not want to accept the current Brookfield offer of $16.50 for IPL what happens now that we have received the offer from Brookfield. Will IPL be sending us a voting right to accept or decline this Brookfield offer soon?
Read Answer Asked by Vicki on March 08, 2021
Q: Hi, I currently own these stocks. What are your thoughts on them and are there any that are not worth keeping? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Keith on March 08, 2021
Q: Hi,

I am retired without pension and reliant on income from my investments. I do not want to exceed 55% of my portfolio in equities and thus am left with a sizable amount to invest in fixed income. I am concerned that bond ETF's are returning too low a yield to justify the risk of losing invested capital as interest rates rise. I have considerable GIC's(laddered terms), some ZCS and too much(20%) of my portfolio in Cash. I have been looking at HFR as an alternative for my cash/GIC's and would like your opinion if you think this represents diversification and yield improvement over the GIC's & cash while reducing the risk of capital losses?

And BTW - thanks for this service. It is great value.
Read Answer Asked by Morgan on March 08, 2021
Q: Hi 5i team,

Pls comment on MRE's results. Also do you any headwinds mentioned to also impact other parts mfgrs like Magna or Linamar.

As a side note, I'm waiting on a new 2021 pickup and my dealer said I'm lucky as their being told to no longer accept orders for trucks due to shortages on parts.

Read Answer Asked by Christopher on March 08, 2021
Q: Hi there,

With eye towards overlap, could you please rank these Canadian stocks you’d buy and hold for long term growth growth only assuming the top four would be held and the rest of the portfolio would be well balanced… Thx, M

Read Answer Asked by Mark on March 08, 2021
Q: Hi 5i team,
My nephew turned 18 last year and has now 11K in his TFSA ready to invest.
What would be your suggestion (s). It can be a mix of CDN and USD stocks/ETFs.
Obviously, it would be several years before needing any of the money so some risk can be taken.
Read Answer Asked by Marco on March 08, 2021
Q: Hi to all 5I research thanks for the great work. My question is on . Last quarter of 2019 they reported 04 cents and I was looking at a recent analyst report from Thomson R and they are calling for a 19 cent for q4 2020 up from 90 days ago of 13 cent and 6 strong buys and one buy. Own the stock for 5 years now and ask this question every march for the past 4 years. I like this sector because it is a renewable product and always in demand thanks to climate change. Is this earnings report match yours? They also call for a 8.80 stock price average do you agree with this number? Thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by Hubert on March 08, 2021
Q: The earning for the year look decent. Too bad they give little public guidance but my understanding is that business has picked up and they project double digit growth over the next few years. Based on that scanty information do you think the stock is undervalued? I like the 3.70% divy while I wait for the company to be discovered.
Read Answer Asked by Murray on March 08, 2021