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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Do you have a US$ ETH etf you could recommend?
Read Answer Asked by Mark on May 10, 2021
Q: AIM Your thoughts on this small company. There CEO is buying in smallish increments and it's close to book value. That's how it ended up on my screens. What do you think of it's drug pipeline, management, balance sheet and future viability. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by James on May 10, 2021
Q: When attempting to diversify the sectors in a portfolio does it make sense to hold individual stocks as well as ETF's in the same sector or is it one strategy or the other?

Read Answer Asked by Robert on May 10, 2021
Q: Retired, dividend income investor. I'm curious of your reaction to mega-investors such as Buffet and Lee-Chin, who have substantial hordes of cash (in the 50% range). They were in the news in the last couple of weeks, basically indicating that the time in now, to increase one's cash allocation. They are finding it difficult to find value in the market and certain sectors are in bubble territory (my understanding of their message).

I know that there are investors on both side of every trade. I also understand that if one removes the biggest names from the S&P, that there is reasonable valuation still there. My own personal belief is we still have room to go, due to low interest rates, increased vaccination rates, recovering economies, reflating the supply chains around the world...the list goes on.

I normally am fully invested, with virtually no cash. However I can't help but wonder whether I shouldn't increase my cash allocation...even though that puts me in the camp of "market timing". I suspect part of your answer will be to increase the cash to your level of "sleep at night" comfort.

Just curious of your thoughts on where we are in the market cycle. Thanks for your help....Steve
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on May 10, 2021
Q: A recruitment company, that came across my screens. Book value, price to sales look ok to me. What do you think of their recent earnings, management, balance sheet, industry, as the economy opens up and long term outlook. Could you also look into the insider trading, I see multiple recent buys by the CEO from January until now on a daily basis at 0 .4% his holding each time. Why this type of pattern? Is this significant in the long run. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by James on May 10, 2021
Q: Dear 5i,
I originally bought this for around $49; then the company adjusted when the split for BEPC occurred. Some time later, I thought it ok to sell them at around $70. How do I figure out if a re-entry point for BEP.UN is good today at around $45, given that if I look at my brokerage graph the historical value of what I paid at $49 then, appears as around $25 now ie the graph has changed because of the split?
If it is tough to calculate/compare history, could you advise if today is a good price - thinking this time I should hold them a longer 7+ years.
Thank you for helping me,
Read Answer Asked by Hilary on May 10, 2021
Q: Hi group re TSFA i have $36,000 room - i was going to sell some losers Like KXS and DOC so i can claim the loss - does the fact that the cash will go into TSFA make any difference with the 30 day repurchase rule? - or does it still apply - thanks
Read Answer Asked by Terence on May 08, 2021
Q: As investors doing our do diligence we are looking at many
balance sheet ratios as of course you are as well
Common ones being P/E--P/B--P/S--P/CF--ROA-ROE-ROI
And then --asset turnover--PEG ratio--debt to capital etc. etc.
I am sure many others that you use.
All very helpful if you completely understand them.
There are also rules of thumb when looking at these ratios.
It would be very helpful if you gave us more insight into what
these rules/guidelines are.
I realize these rules of thumb vary by sector but I think many of a them are common to all sectors.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by peter on May 07, 2021
Q: Any thoughts on the upcoming Dentalcorp IPO?


Read Answer Asked by philip on May 07, 2021