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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi, I have owned the three big Telcos BCE, Rogers and Telus for about four years now. Since I have owned these companies Bell and Telus have raised their dividends on an annual basis and semi annual basis as is the case with Telus. However, Rogers has not raised its dividend since January 2019. Do you have any idea why Rogers does no raise their dividend as often as BCE and Telus? Also, how would you rank the three of them in terms of preference on a total return basis where 1 is the most preferred. Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Anthony on May 11, 2021
Q: I hold several ETFs ie XAW, VGRO, VBAL and I am wondering if the portfolio analytics tool breaks down these ETFs into their respective industries and geographies when you review your actual asset allocations versus the suggested allocations.
Read Answer Asked by Simon on May 11, 2021
Q: Witch stocks you recomend in this two sectors,if possible by top to bottom marks?
Highly apreciate your opinion (Always)
Read Answer Asked by Nizar on May 11, 2021
Q: My TFSA appears to be revisiting a March 31 bottom. It came up somewhat through April but is revisiting the low seen at the end of March. Is this also reflected in the tech stocks that 5I covers. Is the tech sector nearing somewhat of a “fair value” scenario. At what point during a sector rotation do investors suddenly realize that there may be some “value” in hanging on to growth tech stocks.
Read Answer Asked by Clarence on May 11, 2021
Q: Please comment on the earnings from this company? Also, would you think it offers good potential from business standpoint. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on May 11, 2021
Q: hi Peter and 5i Staff, Any chance of these rebounding within the next 3 months. If so which would you buy for a 5 year hold.
Thanks as always for the great service
Read Answer Asked by Ivan on May 11, 2021
Q: Hello, I'm a 62 year old (almost retired) investor who's focus is now nearly 100% on equities with sustainable and preferably increasing dividends, over time. I currently hold about 7.5% of my investment portfolio in ENB and I am considering raising that stake to 10%. I'd like to know if, in the history of the company, has Enbridge EVER cut its dividend? If it ever did are you able to provide any context as to why the company may have felt it necessary to do so? Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Richard on May 11, 2021
Q: The Banks have done well this year.

1. Do you think they will be allowed to start raising dividends this year ?

2. What will this likely depend upon, the Canadian economy, Covid numbers ?? I am unsure how to interpret the economy right now, covid seems still bad, in fact worse than 2020, yet the TSX is up +++


Read Answer Asked by Ernest on May 11, 2021
Q: Can you please suggest 2 or 3 ETFs for long term growth in a small RRSP, about 14K , for a young person. Keith
Read Answer Asked by Keith on May 10, 2021
Q: Can you suggest a few good ETF’s which should form the basis of one’s portfolio.

Also please suggest ETF’s for specific applications like..... high risk/ growth, dividend, US equities, Canadian equities, dividend stocks, tech stocks, emerging markets ..... and your choice of basket of ETF’s which a person could use to build a portfolio ( with % allocations)
Read Answer Asked by HARRY on May 10, 2021