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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi
Please note PPL is not available in the short search. It was required to add :ca to bring it up.

Would you please expand on your comment earlier about Brookfield wining the bid for IPL? Was this just because the bid is out there or do you have an opinion.

In my position Brookfield deal is a big loss due to taxation(25% capital gains hit) as well as the benefit of holding PPL shares ( dividend, growth, Heartland participation, PPL Reputation) The share price of IPL is now tracking PPL (0.5 x $41.40 = $20.70) and is way above the Brookfield offer($19.50 Maybe? or some kind of shares?).

Brookfield offer is no longer financially better than PPL offer.

Is there something else in this?

Read Answer Asked by Dave on June 18, 2021
Q: Gold is supposed to do better in an inflationary environment, which we seem to be getting but it also does worse when rates are rising, like now. An enigma!! Who wins here? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by george on June 17, 2021
Q: My wife owns a company that started using last year. I hear her rave about it all the time. I even heard her say she would pay double the fees charged it is so useful. I told her I would buy some stock if it ever went public and here we are... You said its expensive based on the current valuation. Can you please elaborate compared to the competition? The stock shot up and I don't want to get caught in the excitement and overpay. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by David on June 17, 2021
Q: Not a question just a comment . I hope this use of small print font in your answers isn't part of the site rebuild. Some of us are old farts who hate squinting .....
Read Answer Asked by Garth on June 17, 2021
Q: It seems all the Canadian banks are doing well - huge profits, reversing loan-losses, cash piles and talk of boosting dividends.

Is a lot of this profit due to the increasing real-estate mortgages being issued that have an implicit government backstop? I view this as a form of moral hazard - the banks know the government has their back so continue to lend despite worsening lending metrics like income to home price etc.

Do you see any risk from all the non-house owners in the country putting pressure on the government to reign in bank profits, as it seems only the 'rich' home owners are benefitting? Or would the banks themselves curtail lending as home prices continue to appreciate?

I know that the Canadian residential real estate market if a primary driver of our economic gains nowadays but at some point, the policital winds may shift.

What signals related to Canadian housing would you look for to make you want to reduce your exposure to Canadian banks?

Read Answer Asked by Neelesh on June 17, 2021
Q: Hi 5i
Shopify share price has had quite an increase since yesterday....can you provide some insight as to what is driving this?

I get concerned with sudden increase in a shares price, if i do not understand the reason why.....

Would you continue to hold for 2yr -3 yr period ? Road bumps ahead?

Read Answer Asked by jim on June 17, 2021