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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am a retired income investor. I bought NTR a few months ago to get some diversity in the materials sector and the dividend. Since then I am down about 6% which is normally an amber symbol for me but it seems to be recovering in the last few days. I am happy to hold it for the long term but I would like your thoughts. I understand it reports next week.
Read Answer Asked by Don on August 09, 2021
Q: Can you please list 10-20 conservative high dividend paying companies that you would recommend. US or Cdn. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Lois on August 09, 2021
Q: I would like to add a new position in my TFSA. Please comment on the above equities. Outlook for the next 4 years. What would be your preference.
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by ALBERT on August 09, 2021
Q: My sister just pulled out of Questrade's Robo account to a self-directed account. She planned to buy basic 4 index ETFs in order to keep things simple (XIC for Canadian (30%), XUU for US (35%), VIU for Europe (20%), and VEE for emerging markets (15%)).

However, when the funds appeared, we found two thirds of it was in CAD and one third in USD. It seems inefficient to convert it back to CAD and buy those funds. So we're thinking of buying the US equivalent ETFs for XUU and perhaps VIU and VEE.

Can you give us the US equivalents of these funds. If you have any advice on our strategy here or the funds I've mention (eg. whether iShares or Vanguard is preferable in these areas) feel free to add your wisdom which I so much value as a member.
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on August 09, 2021
Q: I would like to start a Growth portfolio, with 60% US and 40% Canadian stocks. I have approximately $300,000 for this account and a long term view. Would appreciate some suggestions. thanks
Read Answer Asked by Joanne on August 09, 2021
Q: My TFSA is pretty much the way I want it. But now I'm organizing my non-registered account. First, Is there too much overlap between BAMR and SLF. (if so which one would you prefer). Second, Is there too much overlap between FTS and H (if so which one would you prefer. Could you put all of these in rank order, best fundamentals first. Finally, should I just take equal sized positions in all, even position sizes end up being quite small, like somewhere between 1.5% and 2%. If you think those size positions are too small I will eliminate the last 2 or 3 from your rank ordering. I mainly want the dividends in a set and forget style setup, and I will add to positions as funds come available. Thank you again for excellent insight and advice. I learn an enormous amount from the Q/As daily.
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on August 09, 2021
Q: In July, 2022, when my mortgage is due for renewal (with $90,00 left), say if I refinance for 80% of the value of the condo (about $240,000), would the new mortgage money be tax deductible while still not deducting the carry over amount (about $90,000). In this case $240,000 minus $90,000 would be deductible, with an ongoing ratio of $240,000/$90,000 or 266.67% of every future payment of interest, until the mortgage is paid off.

I realise this is a question for an accountant, but was wondering if you would know?
Read Answer Asked by Steven on August 09, 2021
Q: Hi Peter and team,
Firstly I would like to congratulate Peter on his very informative and touching article about his father-in -law Ron in this last Saturday Ottawa father had similar experiences ,lived through the Depression and would have been 100 years old this coming October.The young would be "investors" would be wise to learn from such articles.
What would be a reliable BUY signal for gold after this week's debacle?
many thanks ,
Read Answer Asked by Jean on August 09, 2021
Q: Got to takes me from one to two hours daily to read over your answers to questions.....WOW, the time to do the answers must be awesome.....And the insights and learnings is more than awesome by 110%.......Many thanks, eh?! ........Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on August 09, 2021