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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Can I get your thoughts on this company please?

Read Answer Asked by Scott on May 26, 2021
Q: DY was a very recent pick on BNN. I purchased at $90. Shortly after it dropped down to the low $80's. I woke up on the 25th and it was in the low $70's. My online account info showed that there was an earnings report at approx. that time.
TRIP was a CNBC pick of about 3 months ago. I purchased at $60 and a short time later it started to lose altitude - it is now a $40 stock. In both cases professionals recommended these picks. Is it the luck of the draw or should these professionals had picked up on problems shortly after being recommended? Thanks so much. In hindsight - should have checked with 5i prior to purchase.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on May 26, 2021
Q: In a recent question on DHT.UN you mentioned they expected to pay out 20-30% of earnings .... Being a royalty company I suspect they may have a dividend percentage range or goal in mind ..... With these type of companies I am not really interested unless that yield is on the north side of 5% ..... With the current company mix do you have an estimate of what you think that yield percentage might be ?
Read Answer Asked by Garth on May 26, 2021
Q: Hi Peter and Staff

Several months ago I bought PINS when you had it as a BNN top pick - after initial gains like many tech related companies it has declined

Taxes are not an issue it’s in a registered account , neither are $9.99 fees

Would you suggest a switch to either NFLX or ROKU within communication sector or stay the course

Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on May 26, 2021
Q: Are the cryptocurrency ETFs considered as a currency? And are they still subject to this 30 day tax sale rule?
Read Answer Asked by Jean on May 26, 2021
Q: I hold Eric's Energy Fund (NPP314) in my TFSA and have averaged down multiple times in the past. I understood I was probably catching a falling knife, but I believed in his expertise and was also building a position. Now I am up roughly 20% and believe there is more room for his Fund to run. NPP314 represents about 40% of my energy exposure. Most of the balance is held within my ETF exposures (CDZ, ZWC, etc.).

With the recent creation of Eric's ETF (NNRG), what do you recommend? Should I wait until the ETF has been around for a while (like you recommend for other new ETFs) or should I just switch now? What are the Pros vs Cons (aside from the 2.5% vs 1.5% fee that I see in the May 18/21 question)? Will the holdings be identical? Could you please add NNRG to your data base...thanks.

Thanks for your help...Steve
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on May 26, 2021
Q: What are your thoughts on how to invest in the story legalization of marijuana in the USA. I'd like to get in early with a small position in something, and just sit on it for a few years. Perhaps an ETF, or one or two stocks. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on May 26, 2021
Q: Hi 5i,

Would it be possible to include the top 3 stocks to purchase in the next month from the "model reports" when you issue the report".

This would save a lot of member questions.
Read Answer Asked by John on May 26, 2021
Q: I just upgraded to portfolio analytics and one of the suggested is upping my US market exposure plus adding to Healthcare and Industrials. I was looking at the XGI, ZUH, HHL to do this but am open to other suggestions.
Read Answer Asked by Albert on May 26, 2021
Q: Parex news reports. in addition to mentioning the impressive buyback program, have been referring to Columbian riots that have been impacting its ability to distribute its product. I don't anticipate any big insights on Columbian politics but has Parex released any news that might indicate whether the recent declines are more opportunity than "imminent collapse"?
Read Answer Asked by David on May 26, 2021
Q: Based on the scanty information in the article you recently printed and the fact that NBLY is very close to an IPO, does this company warrant a starter position when the shares become available lto the public? Do you think a share price of $15.00 )plus or minus) is a fair and relevant price for openers? Apparently many drug store chairs have flourished by biying up smaller chairs, and then get swallowed up by the biggest national chairs for big bucks. Could the same happen to NBLY?

Thanks for your continued help.

Read Answer Asked by Elmer on May 26, 2021
Q: I sold BCE this morning and now have $61,000 cash in my $112,000 TFSA. I'm 85 years old and like 3 or 4 growth stock suggestions for a 2-3 year time frame. My present holdings are 16% BAM.A (up 43%), 16 % HR.UN (down 20 %), 3% TIXT (up 1%), and 10 % WPM (up 25 %). Thanks for your suggestions.
Read Answer Asked by George on May 26, 2021