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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Too late to invest in commodities? Can you please suggest a broad commodities equal weighted ETF?
Read Answer Asked by James on May 25, 2021
Q: Hi, having just sold my TD Balanced Index Fund, I am looking for a suggestion of a few ETFs to cover my under-weightings in the Consumer Cyclicals &/or Consumer Defensive industries, preferably in the US or International Regions as i am overweight in Canadian region. This is for an RRSP with 10+ years holding.

Thanks for this great service!
Read Answer Asked by Christopher on May 25, 2021
Q: Hi Team, The monitor for David's Tea has issued their report and plan of compromise to be voted on by the companies creditors on June 11th. The report can be found here It is a pretty quick read.
It seems like a clever, well thought out plan. What do you consider the likelihood that this plan gets approved by 67% of the creditors (based on value owed) in both the US and Canada?
In cases like this, does PWC work with the creditors in advance to "secure the votes" or are they just looking to just get the best deal possible for DTEA and hope it gets approved.
In my view, the trade suppliers and employees likely vote in favor. Canadian landlords may also be okay at 22 cents on the dollar. My concern is with the US landlords who only look to be getting 3 cents on the dollar (which is still better than what they would get in a bankruptcy). My question is do landlords typically have a threshold at which they would not accept a settlement below a certain % of their claim.
If it does not get approved does the monitor look to negotiate with the creditors or is bankruptcy automatic?
If this ends up in bankruptcy the estimated cost of the bankruptcy is $27 million, DTEA does have enough cash to pay out this sum. In that case, would the common shares still hold their value and would common shareholders be entitled to equity in any newco?
I recognize this is beyond the usual scope of the questions so please deduct question credits at your discretion
Read Answer Asked by Robert on May 25, 2021
Q: Good morning 5i team
I have a 1/2 holding in Enghouse and am considering adding. On the positive side, Enghouse increased its hosted and maintenance services revenue, increased margins and reduced costs in Q1 2021, and made an acquisition in Portugal. On the negative side, I wonder how much damage Enghouse caused with many investors with its special $1.50 dividend, and how long this negativity may impact them. Would you support increasing a position at this time, or biding time and waiting? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Edward on May 25, 2021
Q: Which of these stocks/etfs would you predict to have the best near term upside?
Read Answer Asked by Timothy on May 25, 2021
Q: How would you go about identifying a proxy to the Canadian residential real estate market? Ultimately, I would like to short the real estate market but can't seem to design the trade. Any guidance would be helpful.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on May 25, 2021
Q: Long time holder of V since the IPO and have done well with this name as a core position. Currently have a 3% position. Have some more USD to invest currently, what are your thoughts on reducing V down to 2% and allocating 1% to start a new position in either PYPL or SQ for more growth or add more to V? Looking for long term growth. Would you pick PYPL or SQ today? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Keith on May 25, 2021
Q: I am planning to purchase equal amounts ($) of the above. Do you consider these companies do be reasonably safe investments over a 3-5 year period?
Would you suggest a replacement or deletion for any of these companies? I am over 80 and am hoping to have a reasonable return from this investment.
And hopefully I will still be around to spend the gains.
Read Answer Asked by ed on May 25, 2021