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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am reading "Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading" by Stefan Janson. It states that algorithmic trading in '19 accounted for 35% of institutional trading (excluding HFT) that is increasingly dominated by ML driven systems (Rebellion Research, Sentient, Aidyia,..) and of course we all know about Renaissance.
I am curious about any comment you might have on that topic, do you see value in this for your style of trading and maybe even considered using it. Your results are already spectacular, so my question is driven only by intellectual curiosity.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on May 27, 2021
Q: Hello,
This is a general question about purchasing mutual funds... would you please clarify the significance of the NAV .. for instance I'm looking at a fund that shows 116% growth from 2011 to date but the NAV was $20.00 at launch and is currently $13.6797... shouldn't the NAV be higher? Thanks for your help, Jenn
Read Answer Asked by Jennifer on May 27, 2021
Q: What are your thoughts on the market and a big correction? Several articles of late saying it could happen sooner than we think, the most recent being a G&M article by George Athanassakos, wondering if you saw that one?


Read Answer Asked by Cam on May 27, 2021
Q: On May 10 in response to a question about ranking semis you said that QCOM is mostly a “royalty play” so may be “safer” than the others. I don’t know what you mean by this.
I have been rather frustrated by this stock, watching it go sideways or down in recent months whilst NVDA has performed much better. Would you encourage me to hang in there for a while vs sell for a loss and up my NVDA?
Read Answer Asked by Marcia on May 27, 2021
Q: Just opening the management circular dated may 3rd. The board members are mostly fairly new. the proposed options smorgasbord looks very appetizing for insiders. Also the insiders stakes are not generally high. No wonder since they cash their options a,s,a,p,. For such a small company the executives compensations are rich. The release coincide with the start of the marked decline in stock price.
The performance over 10 years has been outstanding and the yield today is attractive, What do you think of the newer board? do you see better opportunities for growth?
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by francois on May 26, 2021
Q: What 5 stocks (Can and US) now in the bargain bin seem most likely to turn out to be gems in 2 or 3 years time? Much of the market seems very expensive at an uncertain time.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on May 26, 2021