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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello! I am tech heavy and don’t mind the extra volatility for a growth centric portfolio. Recently I am adding 10% of capital to my investments, considering a balance for the overall portfolio and tactical sector positioning, would you be able to recommend 5 Canadian and 5 US names each you are most convicted in for new capital deployment? Thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by DOUGLAS on August 11, 2021
Q: Given the under-investment in oil exploration over the past several years, I am seeking an investment in an oil name with strong reserves to complement my SU holding. Can you suggest a couple options with sustainable supply (low depletion) over the medium term to capitalize on the anticipated price rally needed to spur new investment in supply. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Benjamin on August 11, 2021
Q: Hello friends,

I own IPL:CA in my RRSP account and, since I like BIP, I would like to continue with them.

As we know, the offer is $CAD 20 or 0.25 of a BIPC:CA share subject to proration.

However, there is a fairly large price differential between BIP:US/BIP.UN:CA and BIPC:US/BIPC:CA and I would like to take advantage of that.

My plan is to tender for cash and then buy BIP:US/BIP.UN:CA.

Is there any tax impact on holding BIP:US/BIP.UN:CA (a Bermuda LP) vs holding BIPC:US/BIPC:CA (a Canadian corp) in an RRSP account e.g. withheld taxes?

Does my plan make sense?

Thank you for your valuable advice.
Read Answer Asked by Iulian on August 11, 2021
Q: I have 2 American Equity mutual funds: BTG105 and MAW108 in an RRSP. I also own the ETF VFV. Performance wise BTG105 has lagged MAW108 and VFV in the last 6 months, 1 yr, 3 yr, 5yr, and 10 yr periods, so I will sell it. But should I replace it with MAW108 or VFV?

MAW108 appears to have outperformed VFV in the last 3 yr, 5yr and 10 yr periods, while VFV outperformed MAW108 in the last 1 yr.

Can you rank these 3, best to worst?

Would you replace BTG105 and MAW108 with VFV (and consolidate all 3 into 1), or keep both MAW108 and VFV for US equity exposure?

Read Answer Asked by Paul on August 10, 2021
Q: Hello Peter, I hope this question does not reduce my credits as it is more of a clarification. On July 30, 2021 the numbers you provided for estimates were $197 M for revenues, and EPS of .44; however, on the earnings date of August 10, you had replied to a question on Nvei;s numbers which you stated as .44 cents of EPS to be ahead of estimates and revenues that were less than $197 which do not reflect well on estimates provided on july 30th. Perhaps, i misunderstood. Can you please clarify? Thanks for the great service.
Read Answer Asked by umedali on August 10, 2021
Q: With the senior demographic gaining in numbers what is your feeling about ADUS as an outpatient and home healthcare company.

Could you please list your top 3 recommendations, in both US and Canada, for this Healthcare industry.
Read Answer Asked by micheal on August 10, 2021
Q: My husband and I are in our early 60’s. We do not have a company income. The bulk of our assets are in my RRSP and LIRA accounts.
We are converting his RRSP to a RRIF and my LIRA to a LIF this year and waiting until I am 65 to convert my RRSP so we can take advantage of pension splitting.
We are conservative investors and just want to keep up with inflation.
Would you please suggest a few ETF’s for diversification and a few income ETF’s for our LIF, RRIF and my RRSP accounts. If there are stocks you would would like to include that would be appreciated. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Donna on August 10, 2021