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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Square
freehold royalies
i downsized an over leveraged and buy only "safe " and if i do i sell an offset.
Today Kim Boulton featured Square as a star. ii ownPaypal and my sense they were similar prospect.
Shoul i sell Paypal to buySquare.
Also please comment on Freehold as a incomestock
Read Answer Asked by thambirajah on September 13, 2021
Q: Hi 5iRearch,

In today’s low interest environment, investors are faced with the following non-equity investment choices:

1. Government bonds and T-bills
2. Corporate bonds
3. Real return bonds
4. Bond ETFs / Mutual Funds (as per points 1 to 3)
5. High-yield savings accounts
6. Money market funds
7. Guaranteed Investment Certificates
8. Fixed annuities
9. Real estate
10. Commodities
11. Collectibles (e.g., art, rare wine, vintage cars)
12. Hedge funds
13. Cryptocurrencies

Please advise of your ranking of the above non-equity assets for long-term investors who wish to ensure that their portfolio is adequately diversified from an asset allocation perspective.


Read Answer Asked by George on September 13, 2021
Q: Hi,
Now that OpenText and Alphabet have a strategic partnership, where Google Cloud’s preferred Information Management partner is now OpenText, do you think there is any chance Alphabet will buy OpenText? If that were to happen, what kind of premium might OpenText attract compared to current share price? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on September 13, 2021
Q: Thanks to your stellar advice, I now have three stocks over 5%: WSP (up 156% in a non-registered account), GSY (up 105% in a non-registered account) and LSPD (up 325% in a TFSA) . Based on past guidance to 'let winners run', at what point would you suggest I start rebalancing? Call me a very happy 5i client!
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on September 13, 2021
Q: Hello 5i Team

I own Chevron and ExxonMobil in my US$ denominated RRSP. These are the only US$ oil and gas stocks in my RRSP account.

My US$ RRSP is structured as a large cap dividend aristocrat account.

My cost basis per share for CVX is US$115.00 and for XOM is US$80.00. Current yield on CVX is 5.6 % and on XOM is 6.4 %

As I cannot harvest capital losses in a RRSP account, is there any benefit in consolidating these two holdings into one stock? Which company has the better potential for growth long term (5 year or greater). Or should I do nothing and continue to receive dividends until the stocks return to their former highs?

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on September 13, 2021
Q: You recently said in an answe to Gerry’s question that you didn’t see transcontinental as a growth stock. Please don’t take this as a criticism, but I remember a couple of years ago or so, that you recommended it because of the promise it’s new packaging acquisition offered. At that time I understood that you thought it had some wind in it’s sails. Just trying to understand if you think that this didn’t pan out. Or, if perhaps you offered it as an income stock at that time.
Thanks as always for your great assistance
Read Answer Asked by joseph on September 13, 2021
Q: Hi, I need to harvest realized gain of approx. $15000. I plan to repurchase the above funds after 30 days. Are there any that you would not sell at this point?
Or after the 3rd quarter results?
Thank you for your excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Lorraine on September 13, 2021
Q: I have margin accounts with one of the big five Canadian banks and wonder if I should convert these to non-margin accounts. I never use margin and don't short stocks. Does simply having my stocks in a margin account introduce any risks to me? And does the financial institution have the right to lend out my shares and make money off this while I get nothing for these behind the scene transactions? Thanks for the education!!
Read Answer Asked by Joel on September 13, 2021