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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good morning!!!

Love the Q&A. Thanks for all the hardwork behind the scenes. This service provided has been a boon to all.

Could you please give me a break down of this company's numbers. Is it intriguing enough to begin a position? Worth watching etc. Of course the family connection as well as set up comes to mind here.

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Adam on October 20, 2021
Q: In September you considered it a hold but are not adding to your position. Based on the last growth portfolio update, it has a weighting of ~1.2%. You have also indicated that there will likely be some tax loss selling.

I am down ~45% in my TFSA on this one and makes up 1.1% of all holdings.

What discussions are going on with 5i in regards to your position with the growth portfolio. Is patience wearing thin? Are you looking to remove it because its stuck in "show me" mode and management fails to improve margins? I am trying to decide whether to cut my losses and move onto something with better growth, execution, and conviction.
Read Answer Asked by Justin on October 20, 2021
Q: On Sept 21st I asked a question about Circle. In your response you mentioned.
- Buying the SPAC shares is the same as buying Circle, but note the acquisition has not closed yet.
- Like all SPAC deals we tend to be extra cautious.
Re the above points,
Can you elaborate on the potential concerns specifically with investing in Concord at the moment in lieu of investing in the new company after going public. (For e.g. Can we lose all our money, some of our money.. if the deal does not go thru…? Any other concerns?)

If you have any additional comments re Circle since Sep 21st, a few words would be appreciated. My understanding is that they now have $33B in circulation but do not know much more (and there may not be much more).

Thanks again. Your turn around time is amazing and the quality/detail of your responses is impressive. Keep up the great work. Have a nice day!
Read Answer Asked by Walter on October 20, 2021
Q: Thank you for your sage advice over the last few years.

What would it take to move VET shares up a few more dollars? I realize the share has had a good run up over the last months, but at the same time, I believe they are still discounted. There seems to be real resistance at the $14 price level. Even with WTI crude at $83 today, the shares are in the red. Are there specific movers that I should be looking for, or, barring a miracle, is this the time to sell?
Read Answer Asked by Rod on October 20, 2021
Q: How would you rank these Canadian small cap tech stocks for (a) new money now and (b) future growth prospects?

Read Answer Asked by James on October 20, 2021
Q: My 21 year old daughter holds Costco, Unity, Etsy and Crowdstrike in her US TFSA. Should we sell something to buy Nvidia? Or should we start over and sell more than one holding to replace with others? 5i is a great service!
Read Answer Asked by Steven on October 20, 2021
Q: Given all the hype around Bitcoin and projected value reaching $100K US by Year-End, is it worth the risk of Buying this ETF now?

Many Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Austin on October 20, 2021