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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Results yesterday from CPH and DR both looked excellent and the stock prices have moved up significantly in response. They both look cheap, particularly CPH, even more so if you ex out the $2.20 cash on the balance sheet. What do you think of these as part of a small cap portfolio?
Read Answer Asked by Dan on March 19, 2024
Q: After many years of learning how to make money, still working on that, full retirement is near and I am beginning to learn how to spend my money, and suprisingly, to me, there is more to it that I'd imagined. Using back of the napkin figures, a $68000 investment in HDIV would bring in a little over $600 per month pre tax. This particular ETF has been up and down but roughly flat over 3.5 years, so a guy would have his $68000 in tact, and over $23000 pre tax in monthly distributions from a RRIF. Seems like part of a good income strategy for a guy used to high risk? I use HDIV as an example because I own some. Lastly, I heard about and read " Your Retirement Income Blueprint" here at 5i, looking for more reading information on the topic?
Read Answer Asked by Charles on March 19, 2024
Q: Can I have your thoughts on RGTI and quantum computing in general. Thank-you.
Read Answer Asked by Alex on March 19, 2024
Q: What are the 5 best industries to buy stock in now pls?
Read Answer Asked by Ron on March 19, 2024
Q: In your opinion, which five(5) Canadian companies are best positioned to increase their net value because of Ai? Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Pat on March 19, 2024
Q: I bought CALF in early January and it's been unchanged since then, while the broader markets are up significantly YTD. Would you suggest betting on small cap recovery this year and keeping CALF or selling it and buying something like VTV, SPYV, or MOAT? If switching, which one out of these 3 you'd recommend for better long term growth? My portfolio is well diversified between the sectors, so I picked these 3 options as they will keep my portfolio in target ranges. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Sean on March 19, 2024
Q: WELL has required a lot of patience. I know you still like it, but is there another smallish cap you would select over it? I own TSU, LMN, SIS, and SYZ.
Read Answer Asked by Alan on March 19, 2024