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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: My 22 year old daughter has $7G to invest. She has dual citizenship with the US and has been told that she will be taxed on TFSA gains. Do you have any recommendations for her based on this?

Also, could you recommend some ETF’s for her?

Thank you so much.
Read Answer Asked by Maxine on October 25, 2021
Q: Hello 5i,
Portfolio Analytics indicates that I need to add about 1.35% to my Consumer Discretionary/Cyclical and further that I need to increase my U.S. exposure by about 3.05%, so I am looking for a U.S. name that pays a decent dividend above, say, 2.25% in this sector & geography.
Some names that came up from a link (U.S. Dividend Aristocrats) you had previously supplied, in response to another question, that I was considering are:
Genuine Parts - GPC
Leggatt & Platt - LEG
McDonald's - MCD
VF Corp - VFC
So, my questions are:
1. Out of my list are there any concerns over dividend safety?
2. Safety of business in general?
3. Given my need for dividend income in this sector, would you have any other suggestions you might prefer over these names in terms of safety of both business and dividend?
My current Cons. Discretionary/Cyclical holdings are LNF in Canada and MGA (Magna) on the U.S. side.
Retired, income-oriented investor otherwise well-balanced and diversified.
Thanks for any help you can provide - always very much appreciated!!!
Read Answer Asked by Mike on October 25, 2021
Q: I currently hold Abbvie and looking to add a second health care sector name to our portfolio. This is a dividend focused portfolio and I'm considering AMGN right now given its 3.8% yield and 5 year dividend growth rate of over 10%. Any thoughts on AMGN and/or another preferred health care holding to add to our Abbvie holding?
Read Answer Asked by Serei on October 25, 2021
Q: Hi 5i,
Looking for a few companies in the material and gold sector currently own NTR and AEP. I'm putting close to 10% of my stock portfolio into this area. Can you name a few companies for me, they can be Canadian or US companies but need to have a dividend.
Many thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Mark on October 25, 2021
Q: Is there a Scorecard or Rating Agency, that tracks the long-term performance of different Rating Agencies and Analysts ?
On the extremes; "T" has a 50% + spread in target prices, maybe rightfully so.
The different Poles here, are two widely used Analysts. One of which is to be vastly proven wrong, pending they scramble to adjust.
Read Answer Asked by Cacey on October 25, 2021
Q: When comparing the two companies would you say there’s a lot of overlap in their businesses? Is one diversified enough in healthcare owning both and if not, which would you prefer? Also, could you recommend a few HC stocks that would compliment either? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Michael on October 25, 2021
Q: PBH and NWC are my current consumer defensive holdings (~5% each, after recent reallocation) in my Canadian unregistered dividend-focused account. PBH in particular has had nice growth.
TD Waterhouse's research are "predicting" MFI's high $45, median $36 target, from a current level of ~$28.
What are your thoughts on the achievability of this, on MFI's metrics, management and prospects otherwise, and whether a switch from PBH to MFI is indicated or not.
Thanks for your continuing great service.
Read Answer Asked by Lotar on October 25, 2021
Q: Good Morning Peter & Team,

I know you don't endorse timing. And I don't want to move away from long term strategies holding good names. But there are trends that at time present themselves.

Industrials are experiencing some misses in the current reporting period because of the supply chain issues. A guest commentator on BNN mentioned they expect good quality industrials will be lowering their expectations moving forward. The supply chain challenges will get fixed and when this happens with these lowered expectations in place, this same commentator said the Industrial Sector could perform quite well.

Do you think this is going to happen? And if so, which names would stand out for you? Does Eaton Corp (ETN) make the list?

Thanks for all you do

Read Answer Asked by Gord on October 25, 2021
Q: How do you see this company managing in an inflationary environment? Do you see this as a good entry point? Are there other names in this sector you would prefer right now? Interested in dividends. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Pat on October 25, 2021
Q: Presently I own TCN and its only 2% on my real estate exposure should i add more or add another real estate holding like CAR.UN.CA CIGA:CA or is there others you would recommend. I have about $500,000 in my portfolio what should my real estate exposure be in % terms. Thanks for you help with this
Read Answer Asked by Terence on October 25, 2021