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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi,
In a recent response, I don't think it is correct that PHYS gold is held outside Canada. According to the website it is held at the Royal Canadian Mint.
Thanks, Michael

Q: Do you have any preference between GLD & PHYS? Thanks.

Asked by Charles on June 10, 2024


We (Peter) were involved in the initial set up of PHYS, and we believe it is better, because it holds its gold outside of Canada, units can be fully transferred into bullion (at minimum amounts) and it does not lend out its gold holdings as GLD is purported to do.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 10, 2024
Q: I do not have a position in Microsoft , but I still have what hs become a relatively modest position in AAPL. I don't really want to increase the amount I have in technical stocks nor do I have the cash at this time. So , I am considering selling half my Apple shares and buying Microsoft with the proceeds. This would be in a registered account. Would you consider this advisable at this time ?

Thanks in advance,
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on June 10, 2024
Q: The Wall Street Journal today posted an article about Nvda's New Sales Booster: The Global Push for National AI Champions. In it it referenced Canada. " Other big projects are taking place in Canada, which last month pledged $1.5 billion as part of a sovereign computing strategy for the country’s startups and researchers," . Which Canadian companies do you feel may be the possible benefactors from this investment?

Read Answer Asked by Anna on June 10, 2024
Q: Hello Team, I read that summer gasoline demand is down for various reasons in the US (we may soon follow suit)and may remain that way. How do you think this will affect US refiners and Canadian (integrated) oil producers revenues and profits? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Adel on June 10, 2024
Q: Hello, when we buy a company like for example EVVTY (on the OTC market), should it reflect the same pattern as the shares on their primary market, in this case on the Stockholm market ? Will the dividend be payed on the OTC market ?

I wonder because some days the shares are up on the Stockholm market and down on the OTC market. Also the shares on the OTC have a return of -10,38% YTD and -5,64% on the Stockholm market.

Thanks you for the education and feel free if you have more information on the subject.
Read Answer Asked by jean on June 10, 2024
Q: Hello Folks:

Because of possible anticipated continuing inflation is it reasonable to hold a portion of our investment portfolio in physical gold or silver? We are seniors in our 70's.
We value and appreciate your thoughts!
Thank you do much
Read Answer Asked by Brian on June 10, 2024
Q: Will Dundee come back from the dead? Since its low of two months ago, the trading price has doubled, yet (per Rick Rule) the sum of its investments is still three times its current market value. Would a bull market in mining make this a compelling, leveraged value play? Given its current minimal revenues, what would count as evidence for improvement?
Read Answer Asked by John on June 10, 2024
Q: Morning,
Looking for growth idea for US stocks. Have some money to add to 1/2 position in either CCJ, BWXT or something else you recommend.
Already have full position in CELH, VRT,PLTR and PWR. Trimming NVDA
Thanks for this service
Read Answer Asked by Craig on June 10, 2024